Saturday, July 11, 2009
Prophecies of Nostradamus on World War III
Prophecies of Nostradamus on World War IIIThose studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus say that he hasindicated the possibility of a Third World War. Indeed, in some ofhis quatrains he mentions terrifying battles and events occurring inand around Europe, Asia and Africa which do not seem to have happenedtill date. There is, however, a difference of opinion among theexperts about the overall sequence of these events and most of all,their timing.My approach to deciphering the quatrains is based on the assumptionthat if a world wide war of this magnitude indeed takes place, itmust have been mentioned in prophecies written in various religioustexts and prophecies of non-religious nature which are part of thefolklore of different cultures. I believe that a comparative study ofall such prophecies vis-à-vis those of Nostradamus, along withinsights into the local culture, tradition, history etc. may enableus to construct a more detailed picture of the prophesized eventsthan what is possible by studying an individual prophecy inisolation. Most of these prophecies concentrate on the localperspective of a global war. But by finding out the similarities withother prophecies, we can find the global connection of the localevents.Contrary to what many of us think, prophesized events are neitherinevitable nor are their time of occurrence fixed. A prophesizedevent is the one which is most likely to happen. It is merely one ofthe several possibilities. Similarly, even if an event takes place,its timing is not fixed. The deciding factor is the human free will.Collective human free will can alter an event, change its timing oreven stop it entirely. Some events are hard to change for it requiresa collective decision moving away entirely from the "logical" course.Sometimes, even an individual's decision may alter an event havingwide implications. Most affected by human free will is the timing ofan event. While collective human behavior is hard to change, the timeof the event taking place changes according to collective orindividual decisions. Some prophecies do indicate a timing of thewar, not in terms of the exact date but by mentioning the appearanceof certain signs like a specific astrological conjunction or an eventpreceding the war.Broadly speaking, the various prophecies indicate that the ThirdWorld War will be preceded by an unprecedented increase in large-scale natural calamities all over the world like big earthquakes,tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, famines etc. Localized wars,revolutions, political disturbances and large scale terrorist attackswill increase. Assassinations of high profile leaders will take placeand tensions between various countries will rise. The economies ofvarious countries will be severely affected, leading to unemploymentor inflation. The actual war would be of a short duration but is saidto be several times more destructive in terms of the cost of humanlives and property than all the previous world wars taken together.To summarize what I have analyzed in this site, based on variousprophecies, the Third World War would start when Russia suddenlyattacks Europe in coalition with certain Middle Eastern countrieslike Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya and probably China. Prior tothe World War III, USA would be severely crippled by terroristattacks, assassinations, a civil war and an economic collapse. Priorto that, there would be a civil war in Italy, during which theVatican would be overrun by the mob. The Pope would escape but manyof his cardinals would die. The palace and the chapels would be burntdown. While on the run, the Pope would be captured and killed. Therewould be a schism in the Vatican and three Popes would reign at thesame time, propped up by competing powers. Supported by US and othercatholic countries, the Papacy would be shifted elsewhere anda "true" Pope would be elected there. Europe would be almost overrunby the Russian and eastern forces and many of its cities and alsothose of USA would be destroyed by conventional weapons as well asweapons of mass destruction like nuclear, chemical and biologicalweapons. Russia would attack from the North as well as from the Eastof Europe. An Arab / Iranian army would attack from the south. ThePope, and later the British Prime Minister would be forced to flee tothe US. Paris would be destroyed by "revolutionaries" within France.The attack on the US would stop the Civil War there. New types ofweapons, like Chemical Weapons and particularly what appears to beportable Laser weapons, would be used in the war. At the same time anunprecedented disaster would take place. A comet would suddenlyappear over the earth in the peak of the war, would break intoseveral pieces and fall to the earth. Smaller pieces would rain fireon cities and forests all over the world, burning them down. A largepiece would fall into the sea creating a Tsunami of Biblicalproportions, flooding parts of Europe (including Britain), USA andAfrica. One medium sized chunk would fall on land, creating a hugecrater, resulting in earthquake and volcano activities all over theworld. This event would loosen the grip of the invading army overEurope. A joint coalition of US and European forces under theleadership of a charismatic leader "Chiren" would organize a counter-attack against the invading forces in Europe and elsewhere. TheRussian forces in Europe would be almost destroyed by the counter-attack and this would lead to a revolution in Russia and the Russianleader who started the war would be assassinated. Russia, under a newleader would then join the western coalition and fight against itsformer allies, who would eventually be defeated. The Pope wouldreturn to Europe and Chiren would be crowned the Monarch. Peace wouldreturn to the world after a loss of almost two-thirds of itspopulation and the wealth of nations accumulated over millennia. Butthis would surely not be the end of the world.It is hard to understand at this stage why Russia would suddenlyattack Europe. Yet, most of the prophecies seem to agree on thispart. Logically too, it is only Russia which has the capability totake on the might of USA and Europe, even after the break up of itsempire. It still has sufficient nuclear weapons, technology andmanpower to do so. The overall picture of the events leading to theWorld War is not clear. What appears from some prophecies is thatimmediately preceding the war, Russia would have tensions with thewest over some Middle Eastern affair. But the actual war would beginafter the assassination of a political leader in the Balkan area, whocould be the famous "Mabus" often discussed in the context ofNostradamus's prophecies. The Russian attack might be a result of itsperception that the assassination, probably in one of its friendlycountries, could be a prelude to an western invasion and the best waywould be to pre-empt it. A major terrorist attack on the US,assassination of some world leaders and another war in the MiddleEast may precede the Third World War, apart from numerous naturaldisasters. Some prophecies say that before the 3rd World War, Israelwould grant statehood to Palestine. Then oil would be discoveredthere and a war would start between Israel and Palestine. It isprobable that it is this war that would generate tensions between USAand Russia, since US and Russian fleets are said to confront eachother in a tense standoff in the Mediterranean before the war in yetanother prophecy. The Bible and the Islamic texts also mention Iraq.It is said that the river Euphrates would dry up and something wouldbe discovered in its dried up riverbed, which would cause muchtension among nations. There are also prophecies on the destructionof the Al-Aqsa Mosque / Temple Mount in Jerusalem before the war andthe death of Saddam Hussein in US custody even before his trialbegins.Source the futureQuatrain II.46After great misery for mankind an even greater one approaches, whenthe great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood,milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire,dragging a tail of sparks.Quatrain II.41The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause twosuns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the greatpontiff changes countries.(Cheetham)The great star will burn for seven days and the cloud will make thesun appear double. The large mastiff will howl all night when thegreat pontiff changes his abode.Line 1 & 2: The great star is a comet, and the cloud the coma. Thecomet will burn so brightly in the sky it appears that we have twosuns. (Alternative translation :'The great star for September dayswill burn'). Since it is visible at the same time as the sun (adaylight comet such as the Great Daylight Comet of 1910) we canconclude it approaches from the sun's sector of the sky. It'sbrightness indicates a close approach. Line 3: Nostradamian scholarsusually identify the mastiff as representing Britain - so we have aperiod of national distress in Britain. Line 4: Events necessitatethe Papacy's relocation from Italy.Quatrain VI.6(Paulus)There will appear towards the North, Not far from Cancer the beardedstar: Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria, The great one of Rome will die,the night over.(Editor's Note, In May 2001 Planet X was two years away and seenapproaching from Orion.")Line 3: Seismically active areas Line 4: Pope will die, along withmany.PROPHECIES Nostradamus Concerning Comets in the futureQuatrain I.69The great mountain round of seven stadia, Afterwards peace, war,famine, flood, It will roll far away sinking great countries, Evenantiquities, and great foundation.Line 1: What type of mountain is round? A good reference here is tothe burning mountain of Revelations which John describes as beingthrown into the oceans - a clear reference to an asteroid or comet[Revelations 8:8]. So it appears we have a meteor or asteroid whichAFTER (i.e. the hit) causes war, famines, floods, great countries tobe sunk.Quatrain II.43During the bearded star's appearance, The three great princes will bemade enemies: Hit from the sky, peace earth trembling, Pau, Tiberoverflowing, serpent on the brink placed.ORDuring the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princeswill be made enemies. The tremulous peace on earth will be struckfrom the skies; the Po, the winding Tiber, a serpent on the shoreLine 1: Comets were called bearded stars. Line 2: Three greatnations - only 3 possible major powers are USA, China and Russia. Sothey are possible candidates Line 3: A strike from the sky shatterspeace (asteroid in comets tail) Line 4: Earthquakes in Italy/ Franceresulting from impact causing flooding.Quatrain II.70The arrow from heaven will make it's journey. Dead while speaking; agreat execution. The stone in the tree, the pond nation brought down.The rumour of a human monster, purge and expiation.Line 1: The asteroid approaches from the heavens like an arrow. Line2: The death toll of the impact - people die unexpectedly. Line 3:stone is the asteroid, pond nation probably England/ Britain (seenext quatrain) Line 4: May possibly refer to the Anti- ChristPROPHECIES Nostradamus Concerning Comets in the futureQuatrain II.62Mabus will soon die and there will happen a dreadful destruction ofpeople and animals. Suddenly, vengeance will appear, a hundred hands,thirst and hunger, when the comet passes.Line 1: The identity of Mabus is still unclear. He is not necessarilythe AntiChrist. One strong candidate is Saddam Hussein (invert hisfirst name in a mirror, by which he is universally known). Line 2:The effects of the impact Line 3: Note the use of suddenly Line 4:The comet PASSING is the cause of the turmoil and misery.Quatrain III.70The whole of Great Britain, including England, will be covered byvery deep floods. The new league in Ausonne will declare war so thatthey will ally against them. Line 1 & 2: Continuing the theme,Britain will suffer flooding from the impact. Line 2 & 4: Italy(Ausonne in south of Italy, stand for whole) involved in war."Then a great empire of the Antichrist will begin – where [once]Attila[`s empire] and Xerxes descended [Central Asia and Persia] – innumbers great and countless, so many that the coming of the HolyGhost, proceeding from the 48th degree [of latitude], will make atransmigration, driving out the abomination of the Antichrist [whois] making war against the Royal [Pope] who will be the great Vicarof Jesus Christ, and against his Church, and his reign for a time andto the end of time. And this will be preceded by a solar eclipse moreobscure and more dark [and mysterious], than any since the creationof the world except for the death and passion of Jesus Christ, fromthat time ill now, and there shall be in the month of October somegreat movement and transference [of the globe] and it will be suchthat one will think that the Earth has lost its natural[gravitational] movement, and that it will be plunged into the abyssof perpetual darkness; there will be initial omens in the spring, andextraordinary changes in rapid succession thereafter, reversals ofkingdoms and mighty earthquakes, with the increase of the newBabylon, the miserable daughter, augmented by the abomination of thefirst Holocaust, and it will last no less than 73 years and 7months…"[after this a period of peace and harmony is seen – the 1000 years ofpeace described in the Bible]Source:
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