Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mayans Prophecy and tCalen

WHEN WILL IT ALL END?The Mayans were highly civilised people with extraordinary skills inastronomy and mathematics. Yet, if you ask people what do they knowabout them, most people would answer `aren't they the ones that saidthe world will end in 2012?`Sadly, that's all most people know about them and it is a shame, forthese highly civilised people invented the concept of `zero' and theyhad names for numbers so large that we today don't even have namesfor them. The world will not end in 2012, only one of the cycles oftime chartered by the Maya.For they took notice not only of time hereon earth,but they believed we were affected by galactic seasons as well.We all accept that the solar system has a timetable and the planetsall move predictably in a certain pattern. The Maya believed thatbeyond that were cycles of movement involving our whole galaxy as itspeeds through our universe.The count that ends in 2012, is a countthat charts a galactic season over 5,000 years long. They saw thePlanet Earth as being affected by this season and they believed wewere going through a `beam' where the centre of the universe `HunabKu' was emitting a transmission via our sun.This `transmission' ends 2012.The Hunab Ku symbol.The end date is not agreed by leading experts because no one isexactly sure of when the calendar began. Some say it was Aug 11.3,114 B.Cand some say it was Aug 13. 3,114 B.C. This problem arosebecause of trying to translate the Mayan calendar to our calendarwhich changed along the way from Julian to Gregorian. Therefore thegreat cycle of 5,125 years either ends Dec 21st 2012 or Dec 23rd2012.When they began this cycle of time back in August 3,114 B.C theywrote it like this : 2012, the date is again written symbolising the end ofthe great cycle.Furthermore leading expert Jose Arguelles suggest that the end dateis more likely to be 2013. This seems logical because the MayanCalendar is basedon the numbers 20 and 13 .What the outcome will be is disputed but it is anticipated that therewill be definite changes.The world will not end but our perception ofthe world willend and become something different. With world eventsbeing as dramatic as they are now it is not hard to imagine that in2012 something big could happen.The classical Maya period was between 300 A.D. and 800 A.D and duringthis time they built their impressive temples and pyramids and werecharting solstices and calculating great numbers. Then theydisappeared. No one knows for sure what happened to them. Somebelieve it was a natural disaster such as a drought that killed themall off. Some believe it was political upheaval and they all met abloody end. Some believe they simply `beamed up' en masse.All we can do why we wait and see it through to the end is to followthe calendardaily and hope it reveals their secrets December 2012THE MAYAN CALENDAR END-DATEJim Papp a.k.a. Rock BoySeattle, Earth - December 9, 1998Most of us are not archaeologists or astronomers,anthropologists or astrologers. Yet the majority of what is writtenabout one of the most exciting and relevant subjects of our day - theapproaching Winter Solstice 2012 end-date of the Mayan Calendar -appears in words aimed at specialists and couched in language thatcan be hard to read. This article is written for the EverydayEarthling who may be hearing a lot about the Mayans, their calendars,hieroglyphs and mysterious temples scattered throughout the junglesof Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras.Let us begin with some questions. Why is there so much talk aboutthe "end of the Mayan calendar" and what does it mean? Is theresomething significant we should know about the Winter Solstice dateof December 21, 2012? How were the Mayans able to track long periodsof time and why would they want to? Why should we care about theMayans today? Is there anything we can learn from them? I'll begin bysharing how my own interest in the subject developed and go on fromthere.I first learned about the Mayans in 1987 from Jose Arguelles' bookThe Mayan Factor. It was during the months leading up to the eventknown as Harmonic Convergence that Arguelles, artist and visionary,introduced me to the 20 Mayan daysigns and the thirteen Mayannumbers - and to the wonderfully engaging and mysterious 260 dayMayan ceremonial calendar, called the Tzolkin (pronounced chol-kin).My pursuit of knowledge about pre-Columbian culture had begun.A great deal of scientific and visionary research work has been doneabout the Mayans, so I started reading. I learned that the Mayanstracked cycles within cycles within cycles of time. Their calendaracted as a harmonic calibrator, linking and coordinating the earthly,lunar, solar and galactic seasons in an aesthetically simple andelegant manner. The provocative simplicity of the daysigns and thesheer harmony of the calendar drew me in. Then a landmark article byJohn Major Jenkins appeared in Mountain Astrologer magazine in 1994,revealing for the first time in our era the true meaning of the end-date.Is there something significant we should know about the WinterSolstice date of December 21, 2012? Yes. On this day a rareastronomical and Mayan mythical event occurs. In astronomic terms,the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane ofthe ecliptic. The Milky Way, as most of us know, extends in a generalnorth-south direction in the night sky. The plane of the ecliptic isthe track the Sun, Moon, planets and stars appear to travel in thesky, from east to west. It intersects the Milky Way at a 60 degreeangle near the constellation Sagittarius.The cosmic cross formed by the intersecting Milky Way and plane ofthe ecliptic was called the Sacred Tree by the Maya. The trunk of thetree, the Axis Mundi, is the Milky Way, and the main branchintersecting the tree is the plane of the ecliptic. Mythically, atsunrise on December 21, 2012, the Sun - our Father - rises to conjointhe center of the Sacred Tree, the World Tree, the Tree of Life..This rare astronomical event, foretold in the Mayan creation story ofthe Hero Twins, and calculated empircally by them, will happen formany of us in our lifetime. The Sun has not conjoined the Milky Wayand the plane of the ecliptic since some 25,800 years ago, longbefore the Mayans arrived on the scene and long before theirpredecessors the Olmecs arrived. What does this mean?Due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, caused bythe Earth's wobble that lasts almost 26,000 years, the apparentlocation of the Winter Solstice sunrise has been ever so slowlymoving toward the Galactic Center. Precession may be understood bywatching a spinning top. Over many revolutions the top will rise anddip on its axis, not unlike how the Earth does over an extremely longperiod of time. One complete rise and dip constitutes the cycle ofprecession.The Mayans noticed the relative slippage of the positions of stars inthe night sky over long periods of observation, indicative ofprecession, and foretold this great coming attraction. By using aninvention called the Long Count, the Mayans fast-forwarded to anchorDecember 21, 2012 as the end of their Great Cycle and then countedbackwards to decide where the calendar would begin. Thus the GreatCycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 B.C. But there'smore.The Great Cycle, lasting 1,872,000 days and equivalent to 5,125.36years, is but one fifth of the Great Great Cycle, knownscientifically as the Great Year or the Platonic Year - the length ofthe precession of the equinoxes. To use a metaphor from the modernindustrial world, on Winter Solstice A.D. 2012 it is as if the GiantOdometer of Humanity on Earth hits 100,000 miles and all the cyclesbig and small turn over to begin anew. The present world age will endand a new world age will begin.Over a year's time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of thezodiac. Many of us know this by what "Sun sign" is associated withour birthday. Upping the scale to the Platonic Year - the 26,000 yearlong cycle - we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Piscesto the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really "end" in2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibratingto a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in theeyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way.Why should we care about the Mayans today? Is there anything we canlearn from them? The trees give us oxygen to breathe and help createthe nourishing rains upon which we depend, sustaining life. We aremissing these rains in places where the trees have been cut down orburned. Fires begin that nature can no longer extinguish. For theMayans, trees were intermediaries between the physical and spiritualworlds, and absolutely essential to life. They believed that withoutthe tree man could not survive and that "with the death of the lasttree comes the death of the human race."The ancient carved stones and the stars themselves tell us we are onthe brink of a new world age. There is no reason not to take a leapof faith into imagining what may be in store. We may trust that it istime for humanity to awaken into a true partnership with each other,with the Earth, and the Cosmos. By accepting this partnership we mayclaim our birthright and become Galactic Citizens who care for andsustain the planet, thus sustaining ourselves. This is clearly thechallenge of our times. Yet, arriving just in time and on schedule isthe Winter Solstice dawn on the day we may remember that we are trulyChildren of the World

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