Saturday, July 11, 2009
Cherokee Prophecies
Cherokee PropheciesCherokee Star Constellation - Prophecy of the RattlesnakeThe Stars above and its configurations hold TIME UNTIME within itsgrasp upon all life. As all cultures sustain a Zodiac system writtenupon Time Untime so also the Chickamaugan Cherokee of the Americashold also an Ancient Zodiac of the heavens.Within the Zodiac of the Heavens of the Chickamauga Cherokee areetched Ancient designs written upon and within the lines of seeing.The Cherokee Zodiac is alive and moves and spins upon the rings ofTIME UNTIME. As the main outline remains its hold and is stationed inthe sky of stars its movement within that frozen outline does indeedchange with the movements of the other elements. Elements within therotations planets, stars, and bodies of the heavens. As othercultures station their Zodiac as a permanent fixture the CherokeeZodiac morphs or changes and becomes as if ALIVE. Always Alive,breaths, lives, and takes upon each constellation its own deeming ofthings, Time, Untime, and among those things, PROPHECY.The Constellations of the Chickamaugan Cherokee are 13 fold whichcontain the characterizations of mainly animals. Among the manydesign configurations seen written upon the stars are the designs ofanimals, objects, and many other elements of TIME UNTIME. The figuresof the sky are totally different from other cultures of the Zodiacexcept for a rare few which seem to be similar. The only one whichseems to relative to similarity is found within the CherokeeConstellation Scorpion and Snake and this in relation to others asScorpio and Serpent.This is the story of only one of those constellations. This is of theCherokee Constellation Rattlesnake. And within this one Constellationis found a PROPHECY. Within the Rattlesnake of the Heavens is foundTIME UNTIME foretold since the dawn of TIME.In the sky is found the figure of a Snake. And upon this snake it isthe outline of a Rattlesnake. Sometimes the Serpent and theRattlesnake take on its bearing of one or the other but the Snake ofthe Rattlesnake is ITS design.The Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation is not like other cultures ofthe world. The Cherokee Rattlesnake in the Heavens has a head andwinds itself back and forth with its body as in sidewinding itself toits tail. The boundary of the Rattlesnake is unlike the boundaries ofother Zodiac cultures. In the Heavens the Pleiades Star System isfound as the tip of the Rattlesnake tail.The Rattlesnake of the Cherokee is very sacred and its sacredness iswritten even in the Heavens. Upon the mouth of the Rattlesnake isfound 52 scales. These scales in number of 52 is written upon theCalendar of the Cherokee and upon the wheels and rings of TIMEUNTIME. The Calendar of the Cherokee spins upon wheels and rings as asophisticated dating system. A dating system that not only tells TIMEof events, people, places, and things but also a very holy and sacredelement within the Cherokee culture itself of ALL THINGS.The Rattlesnake can sometimes be imaged as a serpent. To be a Serpentor to be the Rattlesnake depends on the knowing of the TIMES andTIMES of TIME UNTIME. To know the culture of the Cherokee and itsAncient design upon LIFE. One MUST know the things of TIME UNTIME inorder to place the constellation as a Rattlesnake or a Serpent. Butthis is another story.The stationary outline is always of the Rattlesnake. However upon thewheels of the Cherokee calendar is also found when where how what whoin its changing and transformation. The transformation is not thechanging of the shape of the Rattlesnake but the addition orsubtraction of elements upon the snake itself. These things also tellthe tales of the universe and all its bearing of what was, what is,and to be.On the Cherokee Calendar a great thing is foretold of things about totake shape within all things upon the earth, the heavens, and theuniverse. And the Rattlesnake Constellation is one of those whichspeaks as a voice of TIME UNTIME of things to be.Upon the Cherokee Calendar Rings and written in the StarConstellation Rattlesnake is a prophecy of TIME UNTIME.And so it is thus foretold ....When the Earth sees the fingers of Spearfinger strike Jupiter, whenthe ages of the Rings and wheels tell it is the ending of the ages ofcycles of 5, this will be the sign for the whole earth, for all theearth will see this thing, to wake up from sleep. These fingers thatstuck Jupiter was the comet fragments that hit Jupiter in the 1990sand the whole earth took of is majesty. This was the sign foretold onthe Calendar for the Cherokee people to WAKE UP to come out of sleep.The Cherokee Calendar also speaks its voice telling that at this timeof the fingers striking Jupiter that Orion Star System will awaken.And the Pleiades and Orion will war once again as in old. Jupiter andVenus will awaken to its destiny of TIME UNTIME of cycles. Orion willWAR with Pleadies, Jupiter will WAR with Venus. The time of theCherokee UKU's will be at hand.In the year 2004 and 2012 an alignment will take place both on theCherokee Calendar and in the heavens of the Rattlesnake Constellationboth. It is the time of the doublehead serpent stick. It is the timeof the Red of Orion and Jupiter against White Blue of Pleadies andVenus. It is the time of the Uku's choosing. It is the time of theBeloved Woman and MYSTERIES OF TIME UNTIME. It is the Time Untime ofthe THUNDERBOLT and the spirits of Lightning Mountains.In the year 2004 and 2012 the Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation willtake on a different configuration. The Snake itself will remain,however, upon the Rattlesnake shall be added upon its head feathers,its eyes will open and glow, wings spring forth as a wingedRattlesnake, it shall have hands and arms and in its hands shall befound a bowl. The bowl will hold blood. Upon its tail of 7 rattlesshall be the glowing and movement of Pleiades.The Rattlesnake shall become a FEATHERED RATTLESNAKE or FEATHEREDSERPENT of TIME UNTIME.And upon the Rattlesnake is also the Milky Way. A crossing of theMilky Way shall be seen at these times.For the center of the Universe is what many know as the ConstellationSagittarius by modern man. But upon this constellation of is alsofound the Pleiades Star system which is what is different in theboundary of others and the Cherokee Zodiac.The Milky Way is ALSO a Tree ... STONE TREE. And upon Stone Tree isas a Tree with a tree trunk, branches, a top, and even roots. TheFlower and the Tree is also a tassel as corn. And upon the flower andthe tree is the TREE OF LIFE. REBIRTH, RENEWAL, NEW.And the Cherokee Calendar shall end in the year 2012. But upon thetimes just prior shall be the Feathered Serpent and its prophecy.Upon the Heavens design, within the Cherokee RattlesnakeConstellation, it is written. And upon the Rings of TIME UNTIME ofthe Cherokee Calendar it also says BEHOLD RATTLESNAKE CONSTELATION.And Remember.The Rings of the Cherokee Calendar are read by the winding motion ofthe Rattlesnake. To Add or to subtract TIME UNTIME. To MOVE theWheels backward or forward, to add a wheel to move the rings, to tellthe tale what was, what is, and to be. The Rattlesnake and it designtells the movement of the RINGS OF TIME.And in the sky heavens the motions of the movement of stars, planets,and life tell the tale of its bearing. For all is as the winding ofthe Rattlesnake. And in the year 2004 the Morning Star shall be firstand in the year 2012 the Evening Star shall be first. And upon thoseyears the crown of the Feathered Serpent shall bear its colors andhonor. The hands shall hold the bowl and the tail shall be as theroots of a Tree, The Pleaides Tree of the beginning.And in the Year 2004 and 2012 shall be the TIME UNTIME of theFeathered Serpent of the Sky Heavens. And the Rings shall turn uponthose years of prophecy foretold on the Rings of TIME UNTIME. AndYwahoo Falls Kentucky shall sing of Venus and the FeatheredRattlesnake.For this is not all the prophecy not all the things thereof. For ifit was meant for one to know and I give only part, then you havereceived a great gift. For if I tell all and it was not meant for oneto know then I have waisted my breath. For this is a sacred thing,the Venus Alignment and the Feathered Serpent of the Heavens.And in the Year 2012 the Cherokee Calendar Ends. And all is reborn.For the Feathered Rattlsnake comes and shall be seen in the heavensin the year 2004 to 2012.In the south of the americas ... it is related as the coming ofQuetzalcoatl. The Ancient Cherokee relate it as the coming of thePale One once again.The Rattlesnake Constelation shall appear with the Venus Alignment.The Stars of the Heavens of the Cherokee Zodiac, the Rings of theCalendar, and The Venus Alignment tell the story of a ChickamauganProphecy. For they all are aligned in the year 2004 to 2012.________________________________________Monster With The White EyesHanded down as a traditional Cherokee story from grandmother tograndchild, the storyteller cautions that long ago before theEuropeans discovered Turtle Island and her indigenous people, theelders of those people warned of the monsters with white eyes yet tocome.Similar stories are to be found among the Aztecs and Mexican people.The spirits foretold that the monster with white eyes would cross thegreat eastern water.The monster would possess evil and terrifying power, and would wreakdestruction in its path.The spirits of the animals and trees began to wither.Prophecy states that Mother Earth herself would be devastated and herheartbeat would become faint. The monster was said to devour thechildren of Turtle Island tribe by tribe, with no escape.If one did survive, its spirit would be dead since it would now belost and have no connection to its ancestors.The story tells that one day the Earth would begin to sing a deathsong due to the severity of the harsh conditions.When this happens, the children of the people who followed the white-eyed monster to the island would look into their hearts and realizethat they faced annihilation at the hands of their fathers.They would find that the spirits of the children of the tribes hadbeen reborn, waiting to guide the children of the white-eyed monster.The few keepers of the truth would emerge, becoming strong enough toovercome the power of the white-eyed monster, restoring Mother Earthback to health.The children of the tribes of Turtle Island would lead the peopleback to the right way. The races would live in peace, the spirit ofthe animals and trees would return to safety, and the monster withwhite eyes would fail to exist.Other such prophecies are to be found in the Cherokee Legend of theWhite Snake.[Snake is a metaphor for DNA]
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