Saturday, July 11, 2009
2012 Prophecy is the teaching of the Tomb of Pacal Votan
2012 Prophecy is the teaching of the Tomb of Pacal Votan, the most famous of theancient Maya. The prophecy is embedded in the facts and numbers of his tomb, itsdedication, its discovery—and its relation to 2012.Pacal Votan was born in AD 603, at the age of 12 he acceded to the throne andclaimed matrilineal descent from his mother, Zak Kuk. His true reign and time ofpower occurred during a 52 year cycle between AD 631 and his death in 683.During his life time he created the incomparable Palace and Tower of the Winds.At his death he left instructions to his son and successor, Chan Balum, to buildhis grand tomb and over it the pyramid temple that has come to be known as thePyramid of the Inscriptions.The tomb was dedicated in AD 692, on the Long Count. In the ensuingcenturies all memory of the existence of the tomb was erased and it laymysteriously hidden in the jungles for almost thirteen centuries. From the timeof its dedication in 692 to its discovery in 1952, lies a span of 1260 years,the numbers of the 12:60 timing frequency (irregular 12 month calendar,mechanical 60-minute hour) of the beast that holds the world soul enslaved tohistorical materialism. From its dedication, 692, to the year 2012, it isexactly 1320 years, numbers of the 13:20 frequency of the Law of Time and theUniversal Harmony which will prevail on Earth in 2012. How will this occur?The answer again is on the famous sarcophagus. On the eastern edge of the stoneare six glyphs known as galactic signatures -one of 20 icons coded by a number,1-13, hence 13:20. The tones (numbers) of the first set of four signatures addup to 28; the tones of the second set of two signatures add up to 13, thenumbers of the perfect Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar.What this 2012 prophecy says is this: "When my tomb is discovered fallen manwill be in 12:60 hell but within 60 years in 2012, the 13-Moon/28-day calendarwill take the fallen man of the 12:60 materialist hell, to the 13:20resurrection in time." The choice is ours, and it is now available for thetaking. There is much more to the prophecy, but all you need to know right nowis that the true Ring of Power in Time is measured by Thirteen Moons-28 days,and it is that measure that will prevail in 2012.The Maya, who precisely predicted the dates of their own destruction, knew thatby 2012 it would all be over anyway, that the Babylonian juggernaut would allbut have destroyed the planet by that date. So at the ten baktun marker theadvance Mayan guard departed, called an end to the long count cycles of baktunsand pictuns, and calabtuns. Abandoned the great stone temple cities that dottedthe immense jungle lowlands, and the Maya elite, through their knowledge of timemagic, departed back into the eternal galactic night whence they had originallycome.Yes, these were the Galactic Maya, great civilizers of the Pleiadian beyond whobrought their time science to a planet which they knew was devoid of it, andhence incapable of entering the great tournament of time traveling athleteswhose wanderings and mental exploits mark the annals of the galactic saga ofspiritual and mental evolution. So here on Earth they infiltrated, partook ofthe Olmec shamanic rites, became jaguar priests, tamed naguals, and erectedcosmic temples upon which they inscribed inscrutable star histories, episodesoccurring hundreds of millions and even billions of years in the past—or thefuture. Finally they set up their dynasties and rivalries which marked the endof their time on Earth.The greatest of these dynasties of the knowers of the Night of Time was that ofNah Chan—House of the Serpent, Palenque. Here it was that one can now visit thefabled tomb of Pacal Votan, and right next door in Temple XIII, the moremysterious uninscribed tomb of the Red Queen. From the House of the Serpent weregenerated the secret teachings in the language of the zuvuya, kept by the JaguarNight Seers in the fabled lost Book of the Seven Generations, the sagas of theEnd of Time, the knowledge of the fulfillment of all prophecies, the teachingsof 2012.In their wake, the Galactic Maya left certain instructions, certain simplifiedrecipes for marking the time and laying out the prophecies: The year bearercounts, the 52 year cycles or solar-galactic calendar rounds, the Tzolkin, andthe long count, but merely as a count of days. Those who chose to remain behindawaited the prophet Kukulcan-Quetzalcoatl, and then before the end of theeleventh baktun, established a new empire of time, the Toltec Maya of ChichenItza and Mayapan, as well as that of the Quiche and Cakchiquels of thehighlands. Their seers maintained the mythic history, the origins, the knowledgeof Tollan, the Popul Vuh and the memory of the four original prophets, BalamQuitze, Iqi Balam, Mahacutah, and the Balam Agab. And from Kukulcan-Quetzalcoatlthey established lines of seers, prophets known as the Ah Bobat of the traditionof the Chilam Balam, Jaguar seers who foresaw the coming of the aliens fromacross the water, those who were to bring with them the seeds of destruction.So it came to pass in the 12th baktun, the sails appeared from across thewaters—the iron swords, the cannon, the horse, and the dreaded smallpox, alllaid waste to the wonder that had been Maya. But can what is true really bedestroyed?A book burning in 1562, resulted in another book by the very man who burned thebooks, and this was the first book by a European about the Maya, Relation of theThings of Yucatan, by Bishop de Landa. And in the thirteenth and final baktun,another book burning in 1691, resulted in yet another book. Published in 1692,was The Trials of Votan, all about the mysterious Votan, descendent of Noah, theheart of the people, the planetary wanderer who built the dark house and laidhis fabulous tomb beneath a pyramid in the mythic city of Nah Chan, House of theSerpent.Those Spanish friars who wrote this text had no way of knowing that exactly 1000years before in 692,the tomb of the great Pacal Votan, king of Nah Chan wasdedicated—long count date, Not the friars, nor it seems, even theremaining Maya remembered that tomb. For 1260 years that tomb lay hidden in thejungle. Then in 1952 it came to light, exactly 60 years before the closing ofthe cycle in 2012. And when it came to light, it brought with it seeds of thegreat Mayan reawakening, all foretold and known by those ancient galactic seersin the torch lit corridors beneath the Tower of the Winds—yes, the great Mayanreawakening which was scheduled to begin precisely on August 16, 1987—only 25years before 2012.
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