Saturday, July 11, 2009
galactic synchronization part 2
"Just as air is the atmosphere of the body,so time is the atmosphere of the mind;if the time in which we live consists of uneven months and daysregulated bymechanized minutes and hours, that is what becomesof our mind: a mechanized irregularity.Since everything follows from mind, it is no wonder thatThe atmosphere in which we live daily becomes more pollute,And the greatest complaint is: 'I just don't have enough time!'Who owns your time, owns your mind.Own your own time and you will know your own mind."Jose and Lloydine ArguellesTime, 13-Moon Calendar and LiberationFOREWARD NOTE:According to Dr. José Argüelles, PhD.: "The simple and easiest way toreprogram your daily awareness of the actual nature of time is tofollow the 13 Moon Calendar.""From a whole system perspective, time, humanity, and nature areinseparable. Our physical and emotional bodies are moved by the samelunar, solar and planetary forces. Where we appear separate in space,we are unified in time.When we structure our lives by the artificial rhythm of the clock and12-month calendar, we expose our central nervous system, andsubsequently, our entire mental-emotional body to the frequency of amachine."Through understanding the nature of time and applying the dailyaffirmations of the 13-moon calendar, our mind is synchronized withthe Galactic Synchronization Beam from the G-force (Zero Point, Pointof Creation) of The Source which reorients our mind into the now.Since the erroneous artificial 12:60 (12 months 60 minutes) timingfrequency reorients our mind to the past and to the future and not inthe now, our body, mind, emotion and spirit are not in synch. Nowonder we have health and social problems.I believe that the artificial 12:60 timing frequency most of theworld population are using is the root cause of human problemsbecause the 12:60 timing frequency is for machines and not forgalactic interdimensional humans whose physical, mental and emotionalbodies are moved and sustained by the same lunar, solar and planetaryforces. I also believe that healing, ascension, telepathy andenlightenment are made possible when the 13-moon calendar and Rinrimeditation are applied daily with advanced techniques of meditationwhich synchronize our heart unified psychic centers' (chakras)vibratory frequency with the heart of the galactic core's 13:20timing frequency and the heart of Mother Earth's crystalline coreexpanding our psychic consciousness neutralizing the sense ofseparation caused by living 12:60 timing frequency. Thus, we becometrue Surfers of the Zuvuya, a cosmic wave of energy that both definesand connects us all, riding high on our personal resonant wave ofSource energy. (See Kin Days of the Tzolkin & the Sacred MayanTzolkin)"Greater than any gift is the gift of time".In Lak'ech (Mayan for "I am another yourself"),Ricardo B. Serrano, Yogi Sharanananda, White Overtone WindFounder of the Cosmic Heart Spiral of Love Shakti Yoga ofManifestationThe following excerpts from Jose and Lloydine Arguelles' ThirteenMoons in Motion: A Dreamspell Primer explain the nature of time andthe vehicle of liberation through the use of the 13-moon calendar.The 13-Moon calendar and the Nature of TimeWelcome to the fourth-dimension! You've been here all the time, butjust haven't known about it! Your ideas of time have been programmedby the clock and the 12-month calendar. The clock is actually third-dimensional measurements of space applied to the idea of time; whilethe 12-month Gregorian calendar is an illogical and inaccurate effortof keeping a count of days.If the nature of space is interlocking sets and levels of atomic andmolecular structures, the nature of time consists of interlockinglevels and sets of holon simultaneities.Just as the atom is the primal model and unit of space, so the holonis the primal model and unit of time. Space is the third dimension,time is the fourth.The base holon unit is the 'perfect fifth:' a tetrahedron (four-sidedpyramid) and its invisible center point, the g-force core. G-force isthe 'mysterious' fifth force; its core is always in the now. Theholon-tetrahedron forms the underlying structure of the 13-tonewavespell. The 13-tone wavespell is the living cosmology of thefourth-dimension.The four visible points of the holon-tetrahedron create the two gatesand two towers of the wavespell: the magnetic gate (tone 1), theovertone tower (tone 5), the solar tower (tone 9), and the cosmicgate (tone 13). The nine remaining tonal positions create thenine 'chambers of the wavespell'.The wavespell is the fourth-dimensional 'standard of measure.' Thewavespell may be expanded or decreased according to the law of kinequivalents.A kin is the fourth-dimensional 'unit of measure.' In the wavespelleach of the 13 tones is accorded the equivalent of one kin. Thewavespell can accomodate the count of 13 days, where one kin is oneyear, and so on.The 13-moon calendar is also a wavespell, where one kin equals a moonof 28 days. Each 28-day moon is a perfect set of four seven dayweeks. Each set of four weeks of the 13-moon calendar isan 'augmented harmonic.' The harmonic is a four-kin unit, thesmallest aggregate unit of the 260-kin galactic spin.The purpose of the 13-moon calendar is to synchronize the solar-lunaryear of 365 days -- 13 moons of 28 days each, 52 weeks of seven dayseach, plus green day [Day-Out-of-Time] -- with the galactic spin of260 kin (days). The 260 kin galactic spin is the ceaselesslyspiraling vortex of time that synchronizes with the 13-moon calendarprecisely every 52 years.Each galactic spin consists of 20 13-kin (day) wavespells. Thesewavespells are arranged in five sets of four. Each set of fourwavespells is color-coded: red, white, blue, and yellow.The 13-moon calendar is programmed so that the color-coded 13-daywavespells appear in unending sequence as an overlay on the fourseven-day weeks of each moon.The 13-Moon Calendar: A Vehicle of LiberationThe 13-Moon calendar is a special application of the 13-tonewavespell cosmology. The wavespell is the form-in-time of universallife. Universal life means that everything is alive. Since everythingtakes its form in time, time is life, time is biology, galacticbiology, cosmic biology. The wavespell is actually a fourth-dimensional form of life, and may assume the qualities of a livingbeing.As a living being, the wavespell of the 13-moon calendar is aplanetary vehicle of liberation and enlightenment. The 13-mooncalendar is a vehicle which has the power of automatically andsimultaneously entering every human on the planet into the new timeof galactic culture on Earth.The new time of the thirteen moons is the new path of life forcreating equality and non-aggression on planet Earth. Once enteredinto, the new time of the 13-moon calendar synchronizes all humanswith themselves and with the planet. Confusion will be eliminated,and forgiveness and liberation may be instantly granted. Thisliberation is the liberation from fear and ignorance. Why and How?The 13-moon calendar places everyone in the correct time: now. The 13-moon calendar is without a history. It does not drag a past forwardbut brings the galactic order into focus, in the now. Now is withouta history. The corrrect time is now, and the only enlightenment isnow. Any now can be as simple as a breath of air, or as complex andoverlaid as a profound meditative reflection.Now-centered and without a history, the wavespell of the 13-mooncalendar is a vehicle of salvation for all of humanity and theplanet.The 13-moon calendar is a skillful means provided by the GalacticFederation to enable every human to experience her or his ownenlightenment. By following the 13-moon calendar, the human entersthe perfect form of the annual planetary wavespell. The wavespell isthe living galactic unit of time. It is the cosmobiological indicatorof higher dimensional existence. It is the way lower dimensionalexistence evolves and awakens into its galactically enlightened form.As an annual planetary wavespell, the 13-moon calendar describes thegalactically attuned enlightenment body of planet Earth. This is whyit is a complete vehicle and path of liberation from the confusionand torment of not knowing in the now -- which is enlightenment. As adescription of the enlightenment body of the Earth-in-time, thecalendar of the 13-moon wavespell can bring all humans intoenlightenment in the course of eight solar-lunar years.For more info, please download in PDF format Thirteen Moons inMotion: A Dreamspell PrimerThe Galactic Federation Comes in Peace!One day Earth Wizard Workshop by Ricardo B. Serrano, R.Ac.Home Introduction Tools Links ContactUpdated by Ricardo B. Serrano, R.Ac. © May 28, 2003
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