Saturday, July 11, 2009

Locations of Deep Underground Military Bases in America ¨C American Holcaust in

Locations of Deep Underground Military Bases in America ¨C American Holcaust inthe Making?and 800 FEMA concentration camps in America and Are FEMA Concentration Camps aMyth?America staysthe way it is with many still being relatively well off, and still possessingfirearms. Only the people of America can stop the coming American Holocaust fromoccurring.In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situatedunder most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well asunderneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Almost all ofthese bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10miles up to 30 miles across!They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s.These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speedmagneto-levity trains that have speeds up to 1500 MPH. Several books have beenwritten about this activity.The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basicallywhole cities underground. They have nuclear powered laser drilling machines thatcan drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. (Note: The September, 1983 issueof Omni (Pg. 80) has a color drawing of ¡®The Subterrene,¡¯ the Los Alamosnuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground,by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock.)The Black Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know isillegal. There is much hard evidence out there. Many will react with fear,terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from thebrainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long.Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights, or are you going to stand up andsay enough is enough? The US Government through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF,ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and the DHS has spent in excess of 12trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming OneWorld Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years.There is the Deep Underground Military Base underneath Denver InternationalAirport, which is over 22 miles in diameter and goes down over 8 levels. It¡¯sno coincidence that the CIA is relocating the headquarters of its domesticdivision, which is responsible for operations in the United States, from theCIA¡¯s Langley headquarters to Denver.Constructed in 1995, the government and politicians were hell bent on buildingthis airport in spite of it ending up vastly overbudget. Charges of corruption,constant construction company changes, and mass firings of teams once they hadbuilt a section of their work was reported so that no ¡°one¡± group had any ideawhat the blueprint of the airport was.Not only did locals not want this airport built nor was it needed, buteverything was done to make sure it was built despite that. Masonic symbols andbizarre artwork of dead babies, burning cities and women in coffins comprise anextensive mural as well as a time capsule ¨C none of which is featured in theairport¡¯s web site section detailing the unique artwork throughout thebuilding.DIA serves as a cover for the vast underground facilities that were built there.There are reports of electronic/magnetic vibrations which make some people sickand cause headaches in others.There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the areaas if to keep things in, and small concrete stacks that resemble mini-coolingtowers rise out of the acres of nowhere to apparently vent underground levels.The underground facility is 88.3 square mile deep. Basically this UndergroundBase is 8 cities on top of each other!The holding capacity of such leviathanic bases is huge. These city-sized basescan hold millions and millions of people, whether they are mind controlled,enslaved NWO World Army Soldiers or innocent and enslaved surface dwellers fromthe towns and cities of America and Canada.There is Dulce Base, in New Mexico. Dulce is a small town in northern NewMexico, located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation.There is only one major motel and a few stores.It¡¯s not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But Dulce has adeep, dark secret. The secret is harbored deep below the brush of ArchuletaMesa. Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mindcontrol training and reprograming.There are over 3000 real-time video cameras throughout the complex athigh-security locations (entrances and exits).There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around ArchuletaMesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrith.Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems.Level 1 ¨C garage for street maintenance. Level 2 ¨C garage for trains,shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc maintenance. Level 3 ¨C everyone isweighed, in the nude, then given a jump suit uniform.The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Change in overthree dollars requires a physical exam and X-ray. Level 4 ¨C Human research in¡®paranormal¡¯ areas ¨C mental telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remoteviewing, astral traveling ¨C etc.The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the¡®Bioplasmic Body¡¯ Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burnsand discomfort on it¡¯s target.They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep ¡®Delta Waves,¡¯ induce a staticshock, then reprogram, Via a Brain- Computer link. Level 5 -security is severe.Armed guards patrol constantly, and in addition to weight sensitive areas there(are) hand print and eye print stations.Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms. Level 6 ¨C Level 6 isprivately called ¡®Nightmare Hall¡¯. It holds the genetic labs. Experiments doneon fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their originalforms.Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginiaunder the Greenbriar Resort. The Continuity of Government facility intendedsince 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located onthe grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort.The bunker is beneath the West Virginia wing, which includes a complete medicalclinic. Construction of the facility, which began in 1959, required 2.5 yearsand 50,000 tons of concrete.The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet belowground, are 2 feet thick. The facility includes separate chambers for the Houseof Representatives and the Senate, as well as a larger room for joint sessions.These are located in the ¡°Exhibit Hall¡± of the West Virginia Wing, whichincludes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blastdoors. They don¡¯t even hide this one, and it¡¯s even a tourist attraction.The Underground vault was built to meet the needs of a Congress-in-hiding ¨C infact the hotel is a replica of the White House. The underground area has achamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House and a massive hall for jointsessions.Although the hotel says it gives tours of the 112,000 square area daily, theinstallation still stands at the ready, its operators still working under coverat the hotel. The secrecy that has surrounded the site has shielded it both frompublic scrutiny and official reassessment.Most Americans will not believe that an American Holocaust will happen untilthey see it happening with their own eyes.Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at.This is no laughing matter.When it happens, it will be to late to stop it. President Bush has already saidhe will ¡°use foreign troops¡± on the streets of America if another Islamicterrorist attack occurs, because there may not be enough US Military personnelto cope with the massive urban chaos and panic that will obviously ensue if itoccurs.Also, the US Government has been involved covertly in the creation of an army ofloyal, brainwashed soldiers of the future. They will have cybernetic andmicrochip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, withtotal loyalty and without hesitation or fear.These soldiers were created at Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, theNational Ordinance Laboratories NOL and the Massachussetts Institute ofTechnology MIT, and covertly transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning.Many of these soldiers are stationed in the Deep Underground Military Bases likethe one under Denver International Airport. All of this information has beenresearched, and it has taken much effort to fit it together properly.There are many mag-lev subterraenean train networks that stretch from the thesecomplexes and go out to other underground bases. All soldiers working in thesebases are microchipped and under total Psychotronic Mind Control.Of the missing ¡°Milk Carton People¡± that the FBI used to post on milk cartons,some were taken to these underground bases for genetic experimentation,microchipping, psychotronic mind control and cybernetic implantations for futureuse as brainwashed soldiers of the NWO.Every year in America hundreds of thousands of people go missing. The creationof a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we donot all wake up and see what is happening.I find it amazing that so many Americans, Scandanavians and Western Europeansrefuse to believe that there are millions of UNISF and UNMNTF Troops in America.Under the Partnerships For Peace Program PFPP set up by President Bill Clintonin early 1993, thousands of troops a month have been coming into America.These Fascist criminals parade as our friends and leaders, while stripping awaydemocratic rights that will be replaced with a Corporatist and Fascistdictatorship, unless people, and especially Americans, wake up now. Here are thelocations of some Deep Underground Military Bases in America:ALASKA1. Brooks Range, Alaska2. Delta Junction, Alaska 2a. Fort Greeley, Alaska. In the same Delta Junctionarea.ARIZONA1. Arizona (Mountains) (not on map) Function: Genetic work. Multiple levels 2.Fort Huachuca, Arizona (also reported detainment camp) Function: NSA Facility2. Luke Air Force Base3. Page, Arizona Tunnels to: Area 51, Nevada Dulce base, New Mexico4. Sedona, Arizona (also reported detainment camp) Notes: Located under theEnchantment Resort in Boynton Canyon. There have been many reports by people inrecent years of ¡°increased military presence and activity¡± in the area.5. Wikieup, Arizona Tunnels to: Area 516. Yucca (Mtns.), ArizonaCALIFORNIA1: 29 Palms, California Tunnels to: Chocolate Mts., Fort Irwin, California(possibly one more site due west a few miles)2: Benicia, California3. Catalina Island, California Tunnels to: I was told by someone who worked atthe Port Hueneme Naval Weapons Division Base in Oxnard that they have heard andit is ¡®common rumor¡¯ that there is a tunnel from the base to this Island, andalso to Edwards Air Force Base, possibly utilizing old mines. .4. China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center5. Chocolate Mountains, California Tunnels to: Fort Irwin, California6. Death Valley,California Function: The entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel isin the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass,in the bottom of an abandoned mine shaft. The bottom of the shaft opens into anextensive tunnel system7. Deep Springs, California Tunnels to: Death Valley, Mercury, NV, Salt LakeCity8. Edwards AFB, California Function: Aircraft Development ¨C antigravityresearch and vehicle development Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Catalina IslandFort Irwin, California Vandenburg AFB, California Notes: Delta Hanger ¨C NorthBase, Edwards AFB, Ca. Haystack Buttte ¨C Edwards, AFB, Ca.9. Fort Irwin, California (also reported detainment camp) Tunnels to: 29 Palms,California Area 51, Nevada Edwards AFB. California Mt. Shasta, California10. Helendale, California Function: Special Aircraft Facility Helendale has anextensive railway/shipping system through it from the Union Pacific days whichruns in from Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Los Angeles and Chicago11. Lancaster, California Function: New Aircraft design, anti-gravityengineering, Stealth craft and testing Levels: 42 Tunnels To: Edwards A.F.B.,Palmdale12. Lawrence-Livermore International Labs, California The lab has a Human GenomeMapping project on chromosome #19 and a newly built $1.2 billion laser facility13. Moreno Valley, California Function unknown14. Mt. Lassen, California Tunnels to: Probably connects to the Mt. Shasta maintunnel.15. Mt. Shasta. Function: Genetic experiments, magnetic advance, space and beamweaponry. Levels: 5 Tunnels to: Ft. Irwin, California North16. Napa, California Functions: Direct Satellite Communications, LaserCommunications. Continuation of Government site. Levels: Multi-level Tunnels to:Unknown Notes: Located on Oakville Grade, Napa County, Ca. 87 Acres17. Needles, California Function unknown18. Palmdale, California Function: New Aircraft Design, anit-gravity research19. Tehachapi Facility (Northrop, California ¨C Tejon Ranch Function: Levels: 42Tunnels to: Edwards, Llona and other local areas Notes: 25 miles NW of LancasterCalifornia, in the Tehachapi mountains.20. Ukiah, California Function unknownCOLORADO1. Near Boulder, Co. in the mountains Function unknown2. Cheyenne Mountain -Norad -Colorado Springs, Colorado Function: Early Warningsystems ¨C missile defense systems ¨C Space tracking Levels: Multiple Tunnelsto: Colorado Springs, Function: Early warning systems, military strategy,satellite operations Levels: Multiple NORAD is a massive self-sustaining¡®city¡¯ built inside the mountain Tunnels to: Creede, Denver, Dulce Base,Kinsley.3. Creede, Colorado Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado ¨CDelta, Colorado ¨C Dulce Base, New Mexico4. Delta, Colorado Function unknown Tunnels to: Creede Salt Lake, Utah5. Denver International Airport (also a detainment camp) Function: Militaryresearch, construction, detainment camp facilities Levels: 7 reported Tunnelsto: Denver proper, Colorado and Rocky Mountain ¡°safehousing¡±, ColoradoSprings, Colorado (Cheyenne Mtn.)6. Falcon Air Force Base, Falcon, Colorado Function: SDI, Satellite ControlLevels: Multiple Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, possibly more.7. Fort Collins, Colorado Function: Suspect high precision equipmentmanufacturing for space.8. Grand Mesa, Colorado Function unknown9. Gore Range Near Lake, west of Denver, Co. Function: Library and Central DataBank10. San Juan Valley, Colorado Hidden beneath and in an operating Buffalo RanchFunction unknown11. Telluride, Colorado Function unknown12. University of Denver, Co (Boulder area) Function: Genetics, geology/miningas related to tunneling and underground construction.13. Warden Valley West of Fort Collins, CO Function Unknown Tunnels to: MontanaGEORGIADobbins Air Force Base, Marrietta GA Function: test site for plasma andantigravity air craft, experimental crafts and weaponsINDIANAKokomo, Indiana Function Unknown Notes: for years people in that area havereported a ¡°hum¡± that has been so constant that some have been forced to moveand it has made many others sick.It seems to come from underground, and ¡°research¡± has turned up nothingalthough it was suggested by someone that massive underground tunneling andexcavating is going on, using naturally occurring caverns, to make anunderground containment and storage facility.KANSAS1. Hutchinson, Kansas Function unknown Tunnels to: Kinsley, Nebraska2. Kansas City, Kansas Function unknown Notes: Entrance near Worlds of Fun3. Kinsley, Kansas Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado;Hutchinson, Kansas; Tulsa Kokoweef Peak, SW California Notes: Gold stored inhuge cavern, blasted shut. Known as the ¡°midway city¡± because it¡¯s locatedhalfway between New York and San Francisco.MARYLANDEdgewood Arsenal, Maryland (from Don) Martins AFB, Aberdeen Proving Ground,MarylandMASSACHUSETTSMaynard MA, FEMA regional center. Wackenhut is here too.MONTANABozeman, Mont. Function: GeneticsNEVADAArea 51 ¨C Groom Lake ¨C Dreamland ¨C Nellis Air Force Base Area 51 was said toexist only in our imaginations until Russian satellite photos were leaked to USsources and it¡¯s amazing how you can get photos all over of it now, evenposters.They¡¯ve been busy little bees building this base up. Function: Stealth andcloaking Aircraft research & development. ¡®Dreamland (Data RepositoryEstablishment and Maintenance Land) Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence),Biological weapons research and genetic manipulation/warfare storage, ColdEmpire, EVA, Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System),BW/CW; IRIS (InfraredIntruder Systems), Security: Above ground cameras, underground pressure sensors,ground and air patrol2. Blue Diamond, Nevada Function unknown3. Fallon Air Force Base area (the flats, near Reno) ¡°American City¡±restricted military sites southwest of Fallon4. Mercury, Nevada Function unknown5. Tonopah, Nevada Function unknown 69: San Gabriel (mountains) On Western sideof Mojave Desert Function unknown Notes: Heavy vibrations coming from under theforest floor which sounds like geared machinery. These vibrations and sounds arethe same as heard in Kokomo, Indiana and are suspected undergroundbuilding/tunneling operations.NEW MEXICO1. Albuquerque, New Mexico (AFB) Function unknown Levels: Multiple Tunnels to:Carlsbad, New Mexico Los Alamos, New Mexico Possible connections to Datil, andother points.2. Carlsbad, New Mexico Functions: Underground Nuclear Testing Tunnels to: FortStockton, Texas. Roswell3. Cordova, New Mexico Function unknown4. Datil, New Mexico Function unknown Tunnels to: Dulce Base5: Dulce Base, New Mexico. Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado Creed,Colorado Datil, N.M. Los Alamos. Page, Arizona Sandia Base Taos, NM.Dulce underground alien facility:6. Los Alamos, New Mexico Functions: Psychotronic Research, Psychotronic WeaponsLevels: Multiple Tunnels to: ALB AFB, New Mexico Dulce, New Mexico Connectionsto Datil,Taos7. Sandia Base, New Mexico Functions: Research in Electrical/magnetic PhenomenaLevels: Multiple Tunnels to: Dulce Base Notes: Related Projects are studied atSandia Base by ¡®The Jason Group¡¯ (of 55 Scientists). They have secretlyharnessed the ¡®Dark Side of Technology¡¯ and hidden the beneficial technologyfrom the public.8. Sunspot, NM Function unknown9. Taos, New Mexico Function unknown Tunnels to: Dulce, New Mexico; Cog,Colorado Notes: Several other sidelines to area where Uranium is mined orprocessed.10. White Sands, NM Function: Missile testing/design Levels: Seven knownNEW HAMPSHIREThere may be as many as three underground installations in New Hampshire¡¯shills, according to reports.NEW YORKNew York, New York Function unknown Tunnels to: Capitol Building, D.C.OHIOWright-Patterson Air Force Base ¨C Dayton, Ohio Function: Air Force Repository.Rumored to house stealth technology and prototype craftOREGON1. Cave Junction, Oregon Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base Levels: Atleast one Notes: Suspected location is in or near Hope Mountain. Near ApplegateLake, Oregon, just over into California. Multiple shafts, access areas to over1500 feet depth. Built using abandoned mine with over 36 known miles of tunnels,shafts.2. Crater Lake, Oregon Tunnels: possible to Cave Junction3. Klamath Falls, Oregon4. Wimer, Oregon (Ashland Mt. area) Function: Underground Chemical StorageLevels: At least onePENNSYLVANIARaven Rock, Pa (near Ligonier) Function: working back up underground Pentagon ¨Csister site of Mt. Weather Notes: 650¡ä below summit, 4 entrances.TEXAS1. Calvert, Texas Function unknown2. Fort Hood, Texas (also reported detainment camp) Levels: Multiple3. Fort Stockton, Texas Function: Unknown Tunnels to: Carlsbad, New MexicoUTAH1. Dugway, Utah Function: Chemical Storage, Radiation storage.2. Salt Lake City Mormon Caverns Function: Religions archives storage. Levels:Multiple Tunnels to: Delta, Colorado & Riverton, WyomingVIRGINIAMount Poney ¨C Near Culpepper, Virginia Function unknownWASHINGTON1. Mt. Rainier, Washington Function unknown. Levels: Multiple Tunnels to:Unknown Yakima Indian Reservation Function unknown Notes: Southeast of TacomaWashington, on the Reservation, in an area 40 by 70 miles. Unusual sounds fromunderground (Toppenish Ridge). Low flying Silver Cigar shaped craft seen todisappear into the Middle fork area of Toppenish creek.Washington DC: The Function: Part of a massive underground relocation system tohouse select government and military personnel in the event of cataclysmicevent. Tunnels to: New York City; Mt. Weather.WEST VIRGINIAGreenbrier Facility, White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the GreenbriarResort.WYOMINGRiverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado.
Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:58 am

FEMA has 800 detention facilities and camps all fully operational and

The following article is from the Friends of Liberty website:There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational andready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded byfull-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implementedin the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on aproclamation and the attorney general¡¯s signature on a warrant to which a listof names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft¡¯s list.The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a ¡°mass exodus¡± ofillegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded upand detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases tobe closed down and to be turned into prisons.Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will beimplemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. GardenPlot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program foran orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federalgovernment. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus willhead up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on theFederal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from thedetention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of thecamps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest ofthese facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is amassive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.Now let¡¯s review the justification for any actions taken¡­Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution andthe Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:¡­EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control ofhighways and seaports.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995allows the government to seize and control the communication media.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuelsand minerals.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personalcars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,seaports, and waterways.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under governmentsupervision.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of allpersons.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports andaircraft, including commercial aircraft.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocatecommunities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to beabandoned, and establish new locations for populations.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and publicstorage facilities.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and givesauthorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increasedinternational tensions and economic or financial crisis.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out inExecutive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial andlegislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctionalinstitutions, and to advise and assist the President.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies,consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establishcontrol over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources,wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution inany undefined national emergency.It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President,Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal EmergencyManagement Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA¡¯s Civil Security Division stated in a 1983conference that he saw FEMA¡¯s role as a ¡°new frontier in the protection ofindividual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil andmilitary installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention ofdissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience intimes of crisis.¡± FEMA¡¯s powers were consolidated by President Carter toincorporate the¡­National Security Act of 1947allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government andother essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements formanpower, resources and production facilities.1950 Defense Production Actgives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.Act of August 29, 1916authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of anytransportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purposerelated to the emergency.International Emergency Economic Powers Actenables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national.These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.Where are these camps?ALABAMAOpelika ¨C Military compound either in or very near town.Aliceville ¨C WWII German POW camp ¨C capacity 15,000Ft. McClellan (Anniston) ¨C Opposite side of town from Army Depot;Maxwell AFB (Montgomery) ¨C Civilian prison camp established under OperationGarden Plot, currently operating with support staff and small inmate population.Talladega ¨C Federal prison ¡°satellite¡± camp.ALASKAWilderness ¨C East of Anchorage. No roads, Air & Railroad access only. Estimatedcapacity of 500,000 Elmendorf AFB ¨C Northeast area of Anchorage ¨C far end ofbase. Garden Plot facility.Eielson AFB ¨C Southeast of Fairbanks. Operation Garden Plot facility.Ft. Wainwright ¨C East of FairbanksARIZONAFt. Huachuca ¨C 20 miles from Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales Rex ¡®84facility.Pinal County ¨C on the Gila River ¨C WWII Japanese detention camp. May berenovated.Yuma County ¨C Colorado River ¨C Site of former Japanese detention camp (nearproving grounds). This site was completely removed in 1990 according to somereports.Phoenix ¨C Federal Prison Satellite Camp. Main federal facility expanded.Florence ¨C WWII prison camp NOW RENOVATED, OPERATIONAL with staff & 400prisoners, operational capacity of 3,500.Wickenburg ¨C Airport is ready for conversion; total capacity unknown.Davis-Monthan AFB (Tucson) ¨C Fully staffed and presently holding prisoners!!Sedona ¨C site of possible UN base.ARKANSASFt. Chaffee (near Fort Smith, Arkansas) ¨C Has new runway for aircraft, new campfacility with cap of 40,000 prisoners Pine Bluff Arsenal ¨C This location alsois the repository for B-Z nerve agent, which causes sleepiness, dizziness,stupor; admitted use is for civilian control. Jerome ¨C Chicot/Drew Counties ¨Csite of WWII Japanese camps Rohwer ¨C Descha County ¨C site of WWII Japanesecamps Blythville AFB ¨C Closed airbase now being used as camp. New woodenbarracks have been constructed at this location. Classic decorations ¨C guardtowers, barbed wire, high fences. Berryville ¨C FEMA facility located east ofEureka Springs off Hwy. 62. Omaha ¨C Northeast of Berryville near Missouri stateline, on Hwy 65 south of old wood processing plant. Possible crematory facility.CALIFORNIAVandenburg AFB ¨C Rex 84 facility, located near Lompoc & Santa Maria. Internmentfacility is located near the oceanside, close to Space Launch Complex #6, alsocalled ¡°Slick Six¡±. The launch site has had ¡°a flawless failure record¡± andis rarely used. Norton AFB ¨C (closed base) now staffed with UN according tosome sources. Tule Lake ¨C area of ¡°wildlife refuge¡±, accessible by unpavedroad, just inside Modoc County. Fort Ord ¨C Closed in 1994, this facility is nowan urban warfare training center for US and foreign troops, and may have some¡°P.O.W. ¨C C.I.¡± enclosures. Twentynine Palms Marine Base ¨C Birthplace of theinfamous ¡°Would you shoot American citizens?¡± Quiz. New camps being built on¡°back 40¡å. Oakdale ¨C Rex 84 camp capable of holding at least 20,000 people.90 mi. East of San Francisco. Terminal Island ¨C (Long Beach) located next tonaval shipyards operated by ChiCom shipping interests. Federal prison facilitylocated here. Possible deportation point. Ft. Irwin ¨C FEMA facility nearBarstow. Base is designated inactive but has staffed camp. McClellan AFB ¨Cfacility capable for 30,000 ¨C 35,000 Sacramento ¨C Army Depot ¨C No specificinformation at this time. Mather AFB ¨C Road to facility is blocked off bycement barriers and a stop sign. Sign states area is restricted; as of 1997there were barbed wire fences pointing inward, a row of stadium lights pointedtoward an empty field, etc. Black boxes on poles may have been cameras.COLORADOTrinidad ¨C WWII German/Italian camp being renovated. Granada ¨C Prowers County¨C WWII Japanese internment camp Ft. Carson ¨C Along route 115 near Canon CityCONNECTICUT, DELAWARENo data available.FLORIDAAvon Park ¨C Air Force gunnery range, Avon Park has an on-base ¡°correctionalfacility¡± which was a former WWII detention camp. Camp Krome ¨C DoJdetention/interrogation center, Rex 84 facility Eglin AFB ¨C This base is over30 miles long, from Pensacola to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs. High capacityfacility, presently manned and populated with some prisoners. Pensacola ¨CFederal Prison Camp Everglades ¨C It is believed that a facility may be carvedout of the wilds here.GEORGIAFt. Benning ¨C Located east of Columbus near Alabama state line. Rex 84 site ¨CPrisoners brought in via Lawson Army airfield. Ft. Mc Pherson ¨C US ForceCommand ¨C Multiple reports that this will be the national headquarters andcoordinating center for foreign/UN troop movement and detainee collection. Ft.Gordon ¨C West of Augusta ¨C No information at this time. Unadilla ¨C DoolyCounty ¨C Manned, staffed FEMA prison on route 230, no prisoners. Oglethorpe ¨CMacon County; facility is located five miles from Montezuma, three miles fromOglethorpe. This FEMA prison has no staff and no prisoners. Morgan ¨C CalhounCounty, FEMA facility is fully manned & staffed ¨C no prisoners. Camilla ¨CMitchell County, south of Albany. This FEMA facility is located on Mt. Zion Rdapproximately 5.7 miles south of Camilla. Unmanned ¨C no prisoners, no staff.Hawkinsville ¨C Wilcox County; Five miles east of town, fully manned and staffedbut no prisoners. Located on fire road 100/Upper River Road Abbeville ¨C Southof Hawkinsville on US route 129; south of town off route 280 near OcmulgeeRiver. FEMA facility is staffed but without prisoners. McRae ¨C Telfair County¨C 1.5 miles west of McRae on Hwy 134 (8th St). Facility is on Irwinton Avenueoff 8th St., manned & staffed ¨C no prisoners. Fort Gillem ¨C South side ofAtlanta ¨C FEMA designated detention facility. Fort Stewart ¨C Savannah area ¨CFEMA designated detention facilityHAWAIIHalawa Heights area ¨C Crematory facility located in hills above city. Area ismarked as a state department of health laboratory. Barbers Point NAS ¨C Thereare several military areas that could be equipped for detention / deportation.Honolulu ¨C Detention transfer facility at the Honolulu airport similar inconstruction to the one in.Oklahoma (pentagon-shaped building where airplanescan taxi up to).IDAHOMinidoka/Jerome Counties ¨C WWII Japanese-American internment facility possiblyunder renovation. Clearwater National Forest ¨C Near Lolo Pass ¨C Just milesfrom the Montana state line near Moose Creek, this unmanned facility is reportedto have a nearby airfield. Wilderness areas ¨C Possible location. No data.ILLINOISMarseilles ¨C Located on the Illinois River off Interstate 80 on Hwy 6. It is arelatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners. Though it is small it isdesigned like prison facilities with barred windows, but the real smoking gun isthe presence of military vehicles. Being located on the Illinois River it ispossible that prisoners will be brought in by water as well as by road and air.This facility is approximately 75 miles west of Chicago. National Guard trainingarea nearby. Scott AFB ¨C Barbed wire prisoner enclosure reported to exist justoff-base. More info needed, as another facility on-base is beieved to exist.Pekin ¨C This Federal satellite prison camp is also on the Illinois River, justsouth of Peoria. It supplements the federal penitentiary in Marion, which isequipped to handle additional population outside on the grounds. Chanute AFB ¨CRantoul, near Champaign/Urbana ¨C This closed base had WWII ¨C era barracks thatwere condemned and torn down, but the medical facility was upgraded andadditional fencing put up in the area. More info needed. Marion ¨C FederalPenitentiary and satellite prison camp inside Crab Orchard Nat¡¯l WildlifeRefuge. Manned, staffed, populated fully. Greenfield ¨C Two federal correctional¡°satellite prison camps¡± serving Marion ¨C populated as above. ShawneeNational Forest ¨C Pope County ¨C This area has seen heavy traffic of foreignmilitary equipment and troops via Illinois Central Railroad, which runs throughthe area. Suspected location is unknown, but may be close to Vienna and Shawneecorrectional centers, located 6 mi. west of Dixon Springs. Savanna Army Depot ¨CNW area of state on Mississippi River. Lincoln, Sheridan, Menard, Pontiac,Galesburg ¨C State prison facilities equipped for major expansion and close oradjacent to highways & railroad tracks. Kankakee ¨C Abandoned industrial area onwest side of town (Rt.17 & Main) designated as FEMA detention site. Equippedwith water tower, incinerator, a small train yard behind it and the rear of thefacility is surrounded by barbed wire facing inwards.INDIANAIndianapolis / Marion County ¨C Amtrak railcar repair facility (closed);controversial site of a major alleged detention / processing center. Althoughsome sources state that this site is a ¡°red herring¡±, photographic and videoevidence suggests otherwise. This large facility contains large 3-4 inch gasmains to large furnaces (crematoria??), helicopter landing pads, railheads forprisoners, Red/Blue/Green zones for classifying/processing incoming personnel,one-way turnstiles, barracks, towers, high fences with razor wire, etc.Personnel with government clearance who are friendly to the patriot movementtook a guided tour of the facility to confirm this site. This site is locatednext to a closed refrigeration plant facility. Ft. Benjamin Harrison ¨C Locatedin the northeast part of Indianapolis, this base has been decomissioned from¡°active¡± use but portions are still ideally converted to hold detainees.Helicopter landing areas still exist for prisoners to be brought in by air, land& rail. Crown Point ¨C Across street from county jail, former hospital. One wingpresently being used for county work-release program, 80% of facility stillunused. Possible FEMA detention center or holding facility. Camp Atterbury ¨CFacility is converted to hold prisoners and boasts two active compoundspresently configured for minumum security detainees. Located just west ofInterstate 65 near Edinburgh, south of Indianapolis. Terre Haute ¨C FederalCorrectional Institution, Satellite prison camp and death facility. Equippedwith crematoria reported to have a capacity of 3,000 people a day. FEMAdesignated facility located here. Fort Wayne ¨C This city located in NortheastIndiana has a FEMA designated detention facility, accessible by air, road andnearby rail. Kingsbury ¨C This ¡°closed¡± military base is adjacent to a statefish & wildlife preserve. Part of the base is converted to an industrial park,but the southern portion of this property is still used. It is bordered on thesouth by railroad, and is staffed with some foreign-speaking UN troops. A localpolice officer who was hunting and camping close to the base in the gamepreserve was accosted, roughed up, and warned by the English-speaking unitcommander to stay away from the area. It was suggested to the officer that thewelfare of his family would depend on his ¡°silence¡±. Located just southeast ofLaPorte. Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Area ¨C Youth Corrections farm located here.Facility is ¡°closed¡±, but is still staffed and being ¡°renovated¡±. Totalcapacity unknown. Grissom AFB ¨C This closed airbase still handles a lot oftraffic, and has a ¡°state-owned¡± prison compound on the southern part of thefacility.UNICOR. Jefferson Proving Grounds ¨C Southern Indiana ¨C This facility was an activebase with test firing occuring daily. Portions of the base have been opened tocreate an industrial park, but other areas are still highly restricted. A campis believed to be located ¡°downrange¡±. Facility is equipped with an airfieldand has a nearby rail line. Newport ¨C Army Depot ¨C VX nerve gas storagefacility. Secret meetings were held here in 1998 regarding the addition of theKankakee River watershed to the Heritage Rivers Initiative. Hammond ¨C largeenclosure identified in FEMA-designated city.IOWANo data available.KANSASLeavenworth ¨C US Marshal¡¯s Fed Holding Facility, US Penitentiary, FederalPrison Camp, McConnell Air Force Base. Federal death penalty facility. Concordia¨C WWII German POW camp used to exist at this location but there is no facilitythere at this time. Ft. Riley ¨C Just north of Interstate 70, airport, near cityof Manhattan. El Dorado ¨C Federal prison converted into forced-labor camp,UNICOR industries. Topeka ¨C 80 acres has been converted into a temporaryholding camp.KENTUCKYAshland ¨C Federal prison camp in Eastern Kentucky near the Ohio River.Louisville ¨C FEMA detention facility, located near restricted area US navalordnance plant. Military airfield located at facility, which is on south side ofcity. Lexington ¨C FEMA detention facility, National Guard base with adjacentairport facility. Manchester ¨C Federal prison camp located inside Dan BooneNational Forest. Ft. Knox ¨C Detention center, possibly located near Salt River,in restricted area of base. Local patriots advise that black Special Forces & UNgray helicopters are occasionally seen in area. Land Between the Lakes ¨C Thisarea was declared a UN biosphere and is an ideal geographic location fordetention facilities. Area is an isthmus extending out from Tennessee, betweenLake Barkley on the east and Kentucky Lake on the west. Just scant miles fromFort Campbell in Tennessee.LOUISIANAFt. Polk ¨C This is a main base for UN troops & personnel, and a training centerfor the disarmament of America. Livingston ¨C WWII German/Italian internmentcamp being renovated?; halfway between Baton Rouge and Hammond, several milesnorth of Interstate 12. Oakdale ¨C Located on US route 165 about 50 miles southof Alexandria; two federal detention centers just southeast of Fort Polk.MAINEHoulton ¨C WWII German internment camp in Northern Maine, off US Route 1.MARYLAND, and DCFt. Meade ¨C Halfway between the District of Criminals and Baltimore. Dataneeded. Ft. Detrick ¨C Biological warfare center for the NWO, located inFrederick.MASSACHUSETTSCamp Edwards / Otis AFB ¨C Cape Cod ¨C This ¡°inactive¡± base is being convertedto hold many New Englander patriots. Capacity unknown. Ft. Devens ¨C Activedetention facility. More data needed.MICHIGANCamp Grayling ¨C Michigan Nat¡¯l Guard base has several confirmed detentioncamps, classic setup with high fences, razor wire, etc. Guard towers are verywell-built, sturdy. Multiple compounds within larger enclosures. Facility deepwithin forest area. Sawyer AFB ¨C Upper Peninsula ¨C south of Marquette ¨C Nodata available. Bay City ¨C Classic enclosure with guard towers, high fence, andclose to shipping port on Saginaw Bay, which connects to Lake Huron. Could be adeportation point to overseas via St. Lawrence Seaway. Southwest ¨C possiblyBerrien County ¨C FEMA detention center. Lansing ¨C FEMA detention facility.MINNESOTADuluth ¨C Federal prison camp facility. Camp Ripley ¨C new prison facility.MISSISSIPPIThese sites are confirmed hoaxes. Hancock County ¨C NASA test site De SotoNational Forest. ¡°These two supposed camps in Mississippi do not exist. Membersof the Mississippi Militia have checked these out on more than one occasionbeginning back when they first appeared on the Internet and throughout thePatriot Movement.¡± ¨C Commander D. Rayner, Mississippi MilitiaMISSOURIRichards-Gebaur AFB ¨C located in Grandview, near K.C.MO. A very largeinternment facility has been built on this base, and all base personnel arerestricted from coming near it. Ft. Leonard Wood ¨C Situated in the middle ofMark Twain National Forest in Pulaski County. This site has been known for someUN training, also home to the US Army Urban Warfare Training school ¡°StemVillage¡±. Warsaw ¨C Unconfirmed report of a large concentration camp facility.MONTANAMalmstrom AFB ¨C UN aircraft groups stationed here, and possibly a detentionfacility.NEBRASKAScottsbluff ¨C WWII German POW camp (renovated?). Northwest, Northeast cornersof state ¨C FEMA detention facilities ¨C more data needed. South Central part ofstate ¨C Many old WWII sites ¨C some may be renovated.NEVADAElko ¨C Ten miles south of town. Wells ¨C Camp is located in the O¡¯Niel basinarea, 40 miles north of Wells, past Thousand Springs, west off Hwy 93 for 25miles. Pershing County ¨C Camp is located at I-80 mile marker 112, south side ofthe highway, about a mile back on the county road and then just off the roadabout 3/4mi. Winnemucca ¨C Battle Mountain area ¨C at the base of the mountains.Nellis Air Force Range ¨C Northwest from Las Vegas on Route 95. Nellis AFB isjust north of Las Vegas on Hwy 604. Stillwater Naval Air Station ¨C east of Reno. No additional data.NEW HAMPSHIRE / VERMONTNorthern New Hampshire ¨C near Lake Francis. No additional data.NEW JERSEYFt. Dix / McGuire AFB ¨C Possible deportation point for detainees. Lots ofpictures taken of detention compounds and posted on Internet, this camp iswell-known. Facility is now complete and ready for occupancy.NEW MEXICOFt. Bliss ¨C This base actually straddles Texas state line. Just south ofAlomogordo, Ft. Bliss has thousands of acres for people who refuse to go withthe ¡°New Order¡±. Holloman AFB (Alomogordo)- Home of the German Luftwaffe inAmerika; major UN base. New facility being built on this base, according torecent visitors. Many former USAF buildings have been torn down by the busy andrapidly growing German military force located here. Fort Stanton ¨C currentlybeing used as a youth detention facility approximately 35 miles north ofRuidoso, New Mexico. Not a great deal of information concerning the Lordsburglocation. White Sands Missile Range ¨C Currently being used as a storagefacility for United Nations vehicles and equipment. Observers have seen thismaterial brought in on the Whitesands rail spur in Oro Grande New Mexico aboutthirty miles from the Texas, New Mexico Border.NEW YORKFt. Drum ¨C two compounds: Rex 84 detention camp and FEMA detention facility.Albany ¨C FEMA detention facility. Otisville ¨C Federal correctional facility,near Middletown. Buffalo ¨C FEMA detention facility.NORTH CAROLINACamp Lejeune / New River Marine Airfield ¨C facility has renovated, occupiedWWII detention compounds and ¡°mock city¡± that closely resembles Anytown, USA.Fort Bragg ¨C Special Warfare Training Center. Renovated WWII detentionfacility. Andrews ¨C Federal experiment in putting a small town under siege.Began with the search/ hunt for survivalist Eric Rudolph. No persons wereallowed in or out of town without federal permission and travel through town washighly restricted. Most residents compelled to stay in their homes. UnregisteredBaptist pastor from Indiana visiting Andrews affirmed these facts.NORTH DAKOTAMinot AFB ¨C Home of UN air group. More data needed on facility.OHIOCamp Perry ¨C Site renovated; once used as a POW camp to house German andItalian prisoners of WWII. Some tar paper covered huts built for housing theseprisoners are still standing. Recently, the construction of multiple 200-manbarracks have replaced most of the huts. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus ¨C FEMAdetention facilities. Data needed. Lima ¨C FEMA detention facility. Anotherfacility located in/near old stone quarry near Interstate 75. Railroad access toproperty, fences etc.OKLAHOMATinker AFB (OKC) ¨C All base personnel are prohibited from going near civiliandetention area, which is under constant guard. Will Rogers World Airport ¨CFEMA¡¯s main processing center for west of the Mississippi. All personnel arekept out of the security zone. Federal prisoner transfer center located here (Apentagon-shaped building where airplanes can taxi up to). Photos have been takenand this site will try to post soon! El Reno ¨C Renovated federal internmentfacility with CURRENT population of 12,000 on Route 66. McAlester ¨C near ArmyMunitions Plant property ¨C former WWII German / Italian POW camp designated forfuture use. Ft. Sill (Lawton) ¨C Former WWII detention camps. More data stillneeded.OREGONSheridan ¨C Federal prison satellite camp northwest of Salem. Josephine County¨C WWII Japanese internment camp ready for renovation. Sheridan ¨C FEMAdetention center. Umatilla ¨C New prison spotted.PENNSYLVANIAAllenwood ¨C Federal prison camp located south of Williamsport on theSusquehanna River. It has a current inmate population of 300, and is identifiedby William Pabst as having a capacity in excess of 15,000 on 400 acres.Indiantown Gap Military Reservation ¨C located north of Harrisburg. Used forWWII POW camp and renovated by Jimmy Carter. Was used to hold Cubans duringMariel boat lift.Camp Hill ¨C State prison close to Army depot. Lots of room, located in CampHill, Pa. New Cumberland Army Depot ¨C on the Susquehanna River, located offInterstate 83 and Interstate 76.Schuylkill Haven ¨C Federal prison camp, north of Reading.SOUTH CAROLINAGreenville ¨C Unoccupied youth prison camp; total capacity unknown.Charleston ¨C Naval Reserve & Air Force base, restricted area on naval base.SOUTH DAKOTAYankton ¨C Federal prison campBlack Hills Nat¡¯l Forest ¨C north of Edgemont, southwest part of state. WWIIinternment camp being renovated.TENNESSEEFt. Campbell ¨C Next to Land Between the Lakes; adjacent to airfield and US Alt.41.Millington ¨C Federal prison camp next door to Memphis Naval Air Station.Crossville ¨C Site of WWII German / Italian prison camp is renovated; completedbarracks and behind the camp in the woods is a training facility with high tightropes and a rappelling deck.Nashville ¨C There are two buildings built on State property that are definitelybuilt to hold prisoners. They are identical buildings ¨C side by side on OldBriley Parkway. High barbed wire fence that curves inward.TEXASAustin ¨C Robert Mueller Municipal airport has detenion areas inside hangars.Bastrop ¨C Prison and military vehicle motor pool.Eden ¨C 1500 bed privately run federal center. Currently holds illegal aliens.Ft. Hood (Killeen) ¨C Newly built concentration camp, with towers, barbed wireetc., just like the one featured in the movie Amerika. Mock city for NWO shock-force training. Some footage of this area was used in ¡°Waco: A New Revelation¡±Reese AFB (Lubbock) ¨C FEMA designated detention facility.Sheppard AFB ¨C in Wichita Falls just south of Ft. Sill, OK. FEMA designateddetention facility.North Dallas ¨C near Carrolton ¨C water treatment plant, close to interstate andrailroad.Mexia ¨C East of Waco 33mi.; WWII German facility may be renovated.Amarillo ¨C FEMA designated detention facilityFt. Bliss (El Paso) ¨C Extensive renovation of buildings and from what patriotshave been able to see, many of these buildings that are being renovated arebeing surrounded by razor wire.Beaumont / Port Arthur area ¨C hundreds of acres of federal camps already builton large-scale detention camp design, complete with the double rows of chainlink fencing with razor type concertina wire on top of each row. Some (but notall) of these facilities are currently being used for low-risk state prisonerswho require a minimum of supervision.Ft. Worth ¨C Federal prison under construction on the site of Carswell AFB.UTAHMillard County ¨C Central Utah ¨C WWII Japanese camp. (Renovated?)Ft. Douglas ¨C This ¡°inactive¡± military reservation has a renovated WWIIconcentration camp.Migratory Bird Refuge ¨C West of Brigham City ¨C contains a WWII internment campthat was built before the game preserve was established.Cedar City ¨C east of city ¨C no data available. Wendover ¨C WWII internmentcamp may be renovated.Skull Valley ¨C southwestern Camp William property ¨C east of the old bombingrange. Camp was accidentally discovered by a man and his son who were rabbithunting; they were discovered and apprehended. SW of Tooele.VIRGINIAFt. A.P. Hill (Fredericksburg) ¨C Rex 84 / FEMA facility. Estimated capacity45,000.Petersburg ¨C Federal satellite prison camp, south of Richmond.WEST VIRGINIABeckley ¨C Alderson ¨C Lewisburg ¨C Former WWII detention camps that are nowconverted into active federal prison complexes capable of holding several timestheir current populations. Alderson is presently a women¡¯s federal reformatory.Morgantown ¨C Federal prison camp located in northern WV; just north ofKingwood.Mill Creek ¨C FEMA detention facility.Kingwood ¨C Newly built detention camp at Camp Dawson Army Reservation. Moredata needed on Camp Dawson.WASHINGTONSeattle/Tacoma ¨C SeaTac Airport: fully operational federal transfer centerOkanogan County ¨C Borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration campcapable of holding hundreds of thousands of people for slave labor. This isprobably one of the locations that will be used to hold hard core patriots whowill be held captive for the rest of their lives.Sand Point Naval Station ¨C Seattle ¨C FEMA detention center used activelyduring the 1999 WTO protests to classify prisoners.Ft. Lewis / McChord AFB ¨C near Tacoma ¨C This is one of several sites that maybe used to ship prisoners overseas for slave labor.WISCONSINFt. McCoy ¨C Rex 84 facility with several complete interment compounds.Oxford ¨C Central part of state ¨C Federal prison & staellite camp and FEMAdetention facility.WYOMINGHeart Mountain ¨C Park County N. of Cody ¨C WWII Japanese interment camp readyfor renovation.Laramie ¨C FEMA detention facilitySouthwest ¨C near Lyman ¨C FEMA detention facilityEast Yellowstone ¨C Manned internment facility ¨C Investigating patriots wereapprehended by European soldiers speaking in an unknown language. Federalgovernment assumed custody of the persons and arranged their release.OTHER LOCATIONS IN THE UNITED STATESThere are many other locations not listed above that are worthy of considerationas a possible detention camp site, but due to space limitations and the timeneeded to verify, could not be included here. Virtually all militaryreservations, posts, bases, stations, & depots can be considered highly suspect(because it is ¡°federal¡± land). Also fitting this category are ¡°RegionalAirports¡± and ¡°International Airports¡± which also fall under federaljurisdiction and have limited-access areas. Mental hospitals, closed hospitals &nursing homes, closed military bases, wildlife refuges, state prisons, toxicwaste dumps, hotels and other areas all have varying degrees of potential forbeing a detention camp area. The likelihood of a site being suspect increaseswith transportation access to the site, including airports/airstrips, railheads,navigable waterways & ports, interstate and US highways. Some facilities are¡°disguised¡± as industrial or commercial properties, camouflaged or even whollycontained inside large buildings (Indianapolis) or factories. Many inner-citybuildings left vacant during the de-industrialization of America have beenquietly acquired and held, sometimes retrofitted for their new uses.CANADAOur Canadian friends tell us that virtually all Canadian military bases,especially those north of the 50th Parallel, are all set up with concentrationcamps. Not even half of these can be listed, but here are a few sites with themassive land space to handle any population:Suffield CFB ¨C just north of Medicine Hat, less than 60 miles from the USA.Primrose Lake Air Range ¨C 70 miles northeast of Edmonton.Wainwright CFB ¨C halfway between Medicine Hat and Primrose Lake.Ft. Nelson ¨C Northernmost point on the BC Railway line.Ft. McPherson ¨C Very cold territory ~ NW Territories. Ft. Providence ¨C Locatedon Great Slave Lake. Halifax ¨C Nova Scotia. Dept. of National Defensereserve¡­. And others.OVERSEAS LOCATIONSGuayanabo, Puerto Rico ¨C Federal prison camp facility. Capacity unknown.Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ¨C US Marine Corps Base ¨C Presently home to 30,000 MarielCubans and 40,000 Albanians. Total capacity unknown.*** [If you found this article of interest, please consider perusing theFriendsOfLiberty/SiaNews archivesPlease also consider registering (free) as a FriendOfLiberty at our Front Page,and taking the current Poll: Should the Council on Foreign Relations beInvestigated for Treaso

The Dark Rift | 13th House of the Zodiac |Ophiucus

The Dark Rift 13th House of the Zodiac OphiucusThe Dark RiftThe 13th House of the Zodiac is called Ophiuchus. If you are following aGregorian Calendar to keep track of time then you are a Sagittarian if you wereborn between November 22 and December 21 but to the the true laws of theUniverse would tell you differently. The Sun is passing through the House ofOphiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, between November 30th and December 17th. This isa yearly astronomical ritual that has been recurring for milleniums. AncientAstronomers would have known this.During these few weeks in December, every year the atmosphere changes. If youfeel more light headed than usual it may be due to the increased heliumparticles in the air which is coming into the planetary system from aninterstellar wind.This presents no danger for humanity at the moment states NASA but things couldchange if the level of helium particles was to increase. Don't take my word forit check out the audio version of NASA's article on the 13th House of theZodiac.I will allow myself to fantasize about what could possibly happen on December21st, 2012.NASA and other astrologers are well aware of the cosmic alignments due duringthe winter solstice of 2012. This will be different than previous years becauseof the perfect alignment which only occurs every 26000 years according to theancient astronomical calendars. The amount of Helium will increase every yearuntil then and the people of the third rock from the Sun will be floating oncloud nine - this will give rise to a powerful ecclesiastic spiritual shift ofconsciousness to humanity."Meaningless! Meaningless!"says the Teacher."Utterly meaningless!Everything is meaningless."3 What does man gain from all his laborat which he toils under the sun?4 Generations come and generations go,but the earth remains forever.5 The sun rises and the sun sets,and hurries back to where it rises.6 The wind blows to the southand turns to the north;round and round it goes,ever returning on its course.7 All streams flow into the sea,yet the sea is never full.To the place the streams come from,there they return again.8 All things are wearisome,more than one can say.The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing.9 What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the sun.10 Is there anything of which one can say,"Look! This is something new"?It was here already, long ago;it was here before our time.11 There is no remembrance of men of old,and even those who are yet to comewill not be rememberedby those who follow.5 years left....4 ....3.....two....and humanity reachesNirvana (Nirúvaúna) (nŒr-v„1ne, ner-) n.[Sanskrit, nirvƒNam, a blowing out, extinction, nirvana: nis-, nir-, out, away +vƒti, it blows. Pali, nibbana; Jap., nehan]1. Often Nirvana, a. Buddhism. The ineffable ultimate in which one has attaineddisinterested wisdom and compassion. b. Hinduism. Emancipation from ignoranceand the extinction of all attachment.2. An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.3. The ability to consciously pause an activity or activities of the mind. Hermind became inactive, the result was the experience of nirvana.4. A state of liberation from unhappiness. Illumination, characterized by themerging of the individual, transitory I in consciousness. Nirvana frees one fromsuffering and fear of death. It is the highest, transcendent consciousness,referred to in the Bhagavad-Gita as brahman-nirvana, in the Upanishads asturiya, in yoga as nirbija-samadhi, and in Vedanta as nirvikalpa-samadhi.5. The goal of spiritual practice in all branches of Buddhism. In theunderstanding of early Buddhism, it is departure from the cycle of unhappinessand entry into an entirely different mode of existence. It requires completeovercoming of the three unwholesome roots--undisciplined-desire, hatred, anddelusion (akushala). Nirvana is unconditioned (asamskrita) consciousness. Itscharacteristic marks are pausing the activities of the mind in a state ofconsciousness.6. In Mahayana, nirvana is an emphasis on the unified nature of the world.Nirvana is conceived as a human experience of oneness with unconditionedconsciousness (the absolute). Which gives insight into the unity of the world(samsara), body, mind and soul. It is a state of transcending conditionedconsciousness. It is also described as dwelling in the experience of the intensebliss in cognizing one's identity with unconditioned consciousness. It isfreedom from attachment to the states of unhappiness, satisfaction andhappiness.7. In the West nirvana has often been misunderstood as mere annihilation; evenin early Buddhism it was not so conceived. Nirvana literally means "The blowingout of a candle". The fire that goes out does not pass away, but merely becomesinvisible by passing into a conscious experience of space (akasha); thus theterm nirvana does not indicate annihilation but rather entry into another modeof existence and experience. The fire that comes forth is the self. Fromconsciously experiencing space the self dissolves momentarily. Self-flame thusreturns back, and the conscious experience of space dissolves. Thus nirvana is aspecial experience not conceived by the perception of sight, but rather byconsciously discarding conditioned brainwave activity. It is an experience thattakes place in time but is also a timeless experience. This is the "emptiness"which is referred to in Buddhist Sutras.8. Nirvana means "bliss," but far more often nirvana is characterized merely asa process of the cessation of the states of unhappiness, satisfaction, andhappiness. For Buddhism, which sees all of human existence as suffering, nirvanainterpreted as the cessation of suffering suffices as a goal for the spiritualeffort.9. In Hinayana two types of nirvana are distinguished: nirvana which consists ofknowledge and nirvana where knowledge exists though in an uncreated form. Bothbeing experiences of different modes of consciousness. It is reached throughsuccessively overcoming the various states of mind; knowledge of unhappiness,knowledge of satisfaction and knowledge of happiness. For the overcoming of eachstate a specific "realm of knowledge" is acquired. For the Sautrantikas nirvanais just the transcendence of the lower states of knowledge; unhappiness,satisfaction and happiness, but not their complete disappearance. The knowledgeof nirvana is based on knowledge of unhappiness, satisfaction and happiness.Therefore, transcendence means additional knowledge, not discarding ofknowledge. In the Vatsiputriya school, which puts forth the idea of the"individual" (pudgala, anatman), nirvana is a positive state in which theindividual's knowledge continues to exist and grow, but is easily turned offwhen not needed. Leaving a bright clear consciousness associated with sight,hearing, touch, taste and smell. Thinking becomes focused, direct and clear.10. In Mahayana nirvana has a positive character, since it is state of awarenessof one's identity with unclouded consciousness. The experience of unity thatencompasses the experiencer includes one's own body and mind. In this view,there is no essential distinction between the soul, mind, body or world, becausethey are experienced in an interconnected way.11. Two types of nirvana are distinguished: indeterminate(apratishthita-nirvana) and complete (pratishthita-nirvana). In actuality, theexperiencer moves between both types of nirvana. Having the capability to ceasethe activities of the mind and to create mental activity in various combinationsof thought, seeing, hearing and remembering, etc.12. The Madhyamikas see nirvana as emptiness (shunyata), which they define as"coming to rest of the manifold creations of the mind." This means the cessationor absence (temporarily) of the activity of the mind. Nirvana is a consciousexperience of the oneness with reality that had always existed, only is notrecognized. Nirvana and samsara are not different if one perceives the world inits true nature, which is emptiness. It is our discriminating mind that preventsus from recognizing this true nature.13. Nirvana for the Yogachara is the awareness that the world as we know it is amanifestation of the mind. This "mind-only" teaching is the cessation ofdiscrimination of the world, nirvana and all objects. Experiences are made ofobjects in the presence of the senses interacting with the mind. The perceptionthat the objects seen are separate from the mind are created as a result of anunconsciousness mind. This school recognizes two types of nirvana: that of thearhat, with whom, only silent knowledge remains. It is a coming to rest, aconsciously experienced bliss. The nirvana of the Buddha is seen as a consciousexercise of compassion. Where the Buddha knowingly seeks ways to help othersattain nirvana. In this form of nirvana, which exhibits a positive character andrepresents conscious unity with all beings, the individual continues in force.14. In Zen Buddhism nirvana is the realization of the true nature of the mind(consciousness), which is identical with the true nature of how human beingsexperience their world--the buddha-nature (bussho). This realization is onlypossible through wisdom. Thus nirvana is often equated with prajna. In the Zensense, prajna and nirvana are two aspects of the same state. Nirvana is thestate in which a person lives who has attained prajna and thus also insight intohis own mind or true nature; and prajna is the wisdom of a person who hasattained nirvana. "The Bodhisattva's nirvana is perfect tranquillity, but it isnot extinction nor inertness." Buddha, Lankavatara Scripture, Goddard.15. Early Chinese Buddhism, which originated the Nirvana School in the 5thcentury, includes the teachings of the Mahaparinirvana-sutra. The teachings ofthis sutra are nirvana is eternal, joyous, personal, and pure in nature. Thiscontrasts with the view put forward in the Prajnaparamita-sutra, in whichnirvana is described as the realization of emptiness (shunyata). All beingspossess buddha-nature and can attain buddhahood. In this sense the true self islike the Tathagata. The Nirvana school also originated the practice, socharacteristic of Chinese Buddhism, of dividing the teachings of the Buddha intophases. The Mahaparinirvana-sutra is considered to be the last of the Buddha'sdiscourses.

Time Wave Zero - Terence Mckenna

Time Wave Zero - Terence MckennaMake your own waves.Terence Mckenna was born in 1946 and passed away on April 23rd 2000. He spentthe better part of his life experimenting and writing about shamanism and thespiritual transformations induced by pharmacological agents such has mushrooms.He was the founder of Novelty Theory.Some of the books he wrote includeFood of the GodsThe Magic Mushrooms Growers GuideThe Invisible LandscapeTrue Hallucinations. His studies took him to the depths of the Asian and NewWorld Tropics where he studied ethno-medicine and the works of shamans. Hereturned to America to continue lecturing and writing and experimenting.The Novelty Theory attempts to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty in theuniverse as an inherent quality of time. According to the Novelty Theory,newness presents itself as a dynamic instead of a static constant that presentitself in fractal patterns or waveforms that he called Timewave Zero. Thesewaves can be recorded on graphs which will show when newness is increasing ordecreasing. The times of change can be pinpointed to but not the locations. Muchof Mckenna's Timewave Zero concept is formed on the authors interpretation ofthe I Ching and analysis of numerical patterns. McKenna's Novelty Theory is nota mainstream contender in the scientific arena. McKenna's Theory points to adate in the near future where anything and everything conceivable by the humanimagination will happen simultaneously. "Something like a psychedelic mushroomtrip". This is the Omega Point and according to his calculations these eventswill occur about the same time has the final date of the Mayan Calendar which isduring the Winter Solstice of 2012. In McKenna's vision UFO's, time travel, newconscience, AI (artificial intelligence) all play a role in the finalmanifestation that lead to a new universe.Unfortunately he is not around to witness it in a carnal way.

The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi

The Oracle of Apollo at DelphiThe Universal Clock falls back in time and we find ourselves in a temple. Thissanctuary is situated beneath the "Shining Rocks" of the Mount Parnassus. Peopleflock to this very spot and have done so for centuries in the hopes of findingtruths, inspiration, and guidance, through a spiritual connection to the GodApollo.The famed mathematician Pythogoras came here and he brought with him a younggirl whom he trained to be the channeling agent between himself - the seeker -and the God Apollo. She became a priestess or Pythia. Over the centuries manysuch priestesses were trained as divine channels. The Pythia (channel or voiceof God)was also known as a Sibylla (or Sibyl the Prophetess) went on to divinefor such famed people has Alexander the Great, Lykurgos, and Oedipus. Kings fromall over were sending Caravans of people to the Shining Rocks for guidance andinspiration.Ask a question and i will give you guidance as summoned to me through GodApollo.The Shining Rock was but one of many places where priestesses were trained.What occult powers could be at work at the sanctuary at Delphi that could turn apeasant or a King into a visionary. Why were mere mortals able to divine spiritat those moments when the air could fill their lungs with the scent of a sweetperfume. If the timing was correct, even a beast would show signs of change uponentering the Shining Rocks of Mount Parnassus.The area of Delphi was originally called Pytho and the first sanctuary isbelieved to have been erected in the 8th Century BC.Time moved forward and the Oracle fell silent. The well of knowledge had rundry.Today people visit the site but mostly what they see are statuesque remnants ofa great historical period.What became of the prophecies?Some Sybilla prophecies were recorded on parchment and passed from generation togeneration. The most talked about Sybil Prophecy of this age is the prophecywhich mentions 9 periods of 800 years. The age after the ninth period is filledwith doom and gloom.The Sybilline ProphecyThe things in the tenth generation shall come to pass. The Earth shall be shakenby a great earthquake that throws many cities into the sea. There shall be war.Fire shall come flashing down from the heavens and many cities burn. Black ashesshall fill the great sky. Then know the Anger of the Gods.The Syballine OraclesPerhaps God Apollo's own advice may be the best legacy of this period."Know thyself, and turn inward for counsel. Make of that counsel what you want."

Nine Insights of Celestine Prophecy

Nine Insights of Celestine ProphecyCelestine ProphecyThe nine insights:Increased consciousness or intuitiveness of self in wholeIncreased consciousness to include historical perspective to see how we humanshave drifted away from the spiritual self to money and time slavesIncreased consciousness of our physical self to the metaphysical or spiritualwholeIncreased consciousness of how self seeking control of others is but a way ofstealing the energy of another.Increased consciousness of the limitless amount of energy in that is availableto all which eliminates the need to control or steal others energy.Increased consciousness and ability to tap into the infinite energy of theUniverse including of other humans. Learning to break through the defensemechanisms that we all display as Intimidation, Interrogation, Self Pity, orDissociation.Increased consciousness of being in the flow of evolution, of being a recorderand receiver of this energy.Increased consciousness of being one with the whole and interacting with anotherindividual or as part of a group so that all involved evolve through the flow ofthis energy. The antecedent to this is to control the other or the group forself seeking measures.Increased consciousness of how life outside of humanity needs room to grow.This last insight states that has we evolve, by intuition we will understandthat the trees create high energy zones and the bigger the tree then the biggerthe amount of energy. Therefore we will intuitively reduce the population andallow the trees to grow. Eventually, has the number of humans grow inconsciousness we will reach the asymptote and from there the growth willcompound itself to a point where everyone will be living this intuitive lifewith a common cause of evolution of the species within a whole.Though the Celestine Prophecy is based on a fictional Peruvian manuscript, it isno less thought inspiring. It is a Novel written by James Redfield and describesa future where mankind undergoes a massive transformation. At first a few peoplestart to sense that there is more to life than control of others through themanipulation of their minds and assets. These intuitives are the first to beginthe evolution that will soon manifest itself in all humans. This may soundUtopic, but it is a far saner picture than what we are exposed to in under thepresent world conditions. We have been conditioned as financial slaves and weare trained from infancy to control our environment in order to receivepayment(food, love, and safety initially until we reach adulthood - then it'smoney). The result of which is what Redfield calls Control Drama. These are thewalls or the barriers that we erect around us. Each one of us uses some of thesedefenses against people who feel the need to energize themselves by controllingus. Whether it's done through interrogation, intimidation, self pity, ordissociation, we are all victims and perpetrators of spiritual theft. The resultof which is a world of hate, distrust, and chaos. To add insult to injury webring our self seeking sickness into the rest of the physical world.The beauty of the Celestine Prophecy is it's final result. The 100th Monkey isreplayed in the human consciousness and we become a better, though leanerspecies. The shift of an old paradigm is complete and we live on believing thisto be the best that there is until............

Solar Cycle 24 will be big and intense. Peaking in 2011 or 2012

NASA recently published report detailing new magnetism on the Sun that willprobably result in Major Solar Changes and destruction of satellitecommunications, GPS, Air Traffic, and Power Grids.The report clearly states that a new Solar Cycle is possible resulting from aknot of magnetism that popped over the sun's eastern limb on Dec. 11th 2007.The report goes on to mention specific years which major Earthly impact will beseen. The exact quote which mentions these years states"Many forecasters believe Solar Cycle 24 will be big and intense. Peaking in2011 or 2012, the cycle to come could have significant impacts ontelecommunications, air traffic, power grids and GPS systems. (And don't forgetthe Northern Lights!) In this age of satellites and cell phones, the next solarcycle could make itself felt as never before."I find it quite a coincidence that this major happening is forecasted for 2012,as this exact timing correlates to the ancient Mayan prediction of the end ofthe dimension.The 2012 (End Of The World) theory has been gaining much popularity the last fewyears. Some predictions include a great human consciousness awakening, the riseof the anti-christ, alien visitation and attacks, a polar flip, and a greatalignment in which the Sun will line up with the center of the galaxy causingmassive destruction.Although we are not sure of the exact events that will transpire, the evidenceis becoming clear that something is in store for us Earthlings.Many people are starting to prepare both physically and mentally for theupcoming changes, but as of now, trustworthy guides on exact preparation plansare scarce. As this situation winds down, and we get closer to the predictedfinal year, we can only hope more information becomes available to us.

Mysterious tremors detected on San Andreas Fault

Mysterious tremors detected on San Andreas FaultLOS ANGELES — Scientists have detected a spike in underground rumblings on asection of California's San Andreas Fault that produced a magnitude-7.8earthquake in 1857.What these mysterious vibrations say about future earthquakes is far fromcertain. But some think the deep tremors suggest underground stress may bebuilding up faster than expected and may indicate an increased risk of a majortemblor.Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, monitored seismicactivity on the fault's central section between July 2001 and February 2009 andrecorded more than 2,000 tremors. The tremors lasted mere minutes to nearly halfan hour.Unlike earthquakes, tremors occur deeper below the surface and the shaking lastslonger.During the study period, two strong earthquakes hit — a magnitude-6.5 in 2003and a magnitude-6.0 a year later. Scientists noticed the frequency of thetremors doubled after the 2003 quake and jumped six-fold after 2004.Tremor episodes persist today. Though the frequency of tremors have declinedsince 2004, scientists are still concerned because they are still at a levelthat is twice as high as before the 2003 quake.The team also recorded unusually strong rumblings days before the 2004 temblor.Results of the research appear in Friday's issue of the journal Science. Thework was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey and National Science Foundation."The fact that the tremors haven't gone down means the time to the nextearthquake may come sooner," said Berkeley seismologist and lead researcherRobert Nadeau.Nadeau first discovered tremors deep in the San Andreas Fault in 2005. Beforethat, the phenomenon was thought only to occur in Earth's subduction zones,where one tectonic plate dives beneath another.USGS seismologist Susan Hough found the latest observations intriguing, but saidit's too soon to know what they mean."We don't have enough data to know what the fault is doing in the long term,"said Hough, who had no part in the research.———On the Net:Science: http://www.sciencemag.orgU.S. Geological Survey:

The Orion Prophecy

The Orion ProphecyPart 1 : The upsideAfter months of waiting, The Orion Prophecy by Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckxwas finally published in December 2001, by Adventures Unlimited. Patrick hadkindly sent me the manuscript to read, about 3 months before publication, and wecorresponded regarding certain aspects of the book. I decided to wait until thefinal version was published before reviewing the book, and I'm glad I did,because in the final version, the translation from Belgian to English had beentidied up. Also the inclusion of pictures made the text much easier tounderstand.Patrick Geryl had been following a fruit and vegetable diet, to improvelongevity, and had several pension plans, that were to mature in 2015, and couldnot be cashed before that year. Then he read The Mayan Prophecies, by Gilbertand Cotterell, (see item 3), which concluded that the Maya had based their LongCount calendar around long-term magnetic cycles of the Sun, and that the worldfaced a catastrophe in the year 2012. Geryl was so convinced by the book that hecancelled his pension plans, after 20 years of subscriptions, and started hisown investigation into the matter, to look for more evidence. Part 2: The down-sideGeryl and Ratinckx go on to conclude that Maurice Cotterell (in The MayanProphecies) was right, and that the cataclysm will be caused by a major magneticreversal on the Sun, that reverses the earth's magnetic poles, and they also(p.152) repeat from The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (Morton & Thomas p.206);"just before sunset, Central American time, 21-22* December 2012", that "Venussinks below the western horizon, and at the same time, the Pleiades will riseabove the horizon in the east. Symbolically speaking, we will see the death ofVenus and the birth of the Pleiades" This, they say, means a new precessionalcycle. Morton & Thomas got the whole idea from Adrian Gilbert, (Cotterell'sco-author of The Mayan Prophecies,) who based it around his discovery that theBirth of Venus occurred in the same symbolic way, on 12 August 3114 BC, at thestart of the current 13-Baktun cycle (see item 35 ). However, John Major Jenkinschecked and double-checked Gilbert's claims and found Gilbert had made amistake. He then interviewed him, but Gilbert had no explanation (click here forthe interview). In the same interview, regarding the observation that thecomplex mathematics and graphs in The Mayan Prophecies do not actually explainthe end of the 13-Baktun cycle in 2012, Gilbert's answers were not convincing(see item 3 ) *Morton & Thomas have "21 December 2012"Apart from the authors' endorsement of The Mayan Prophecies, there are severalother points that did not quite add up.The first is the authors' identificationof the Amenhemet III pyramid at Hawara with the star Aldebaran. As you can seein this map of the Nile area (from The Complete Pyramids by Mark Lehner, Orionadded), when Orion is drawn to scale, with the belt stars aligned to the 3 Gizapyramids, Aldebaran's position ( in the constellation of Taurus), is nowherenear the Hawara area - not even in the same direction.This means that the identification of the Labyrinth building with the Hyades(the astronomical Labyrinth) is also wrong. I haven't got a map showing Denderaand Esna's positions in relation to Giza, so I can't comment on those.

Hall of Records

Hall of RecordsHe read other books, including The Path of The Pole by Hapgood; John AnthonyWest's Serpent in the Sky; and Keepers of Genesis by Hancock and Bauval. Theseauthors provided evidence that, at the end of the last Ice Age, a race of peoplesettled in Egypt following a catastrophe in which their own homeland disappeared(i.e. Atlantis). The Sphinx and pyramids were remnants of those times, about10,500 years ago, and encoded into them was information about the catastrophe.West and Hancock and Bauval all thought that there was a Hall of Records buriedat Giza, which would contain detailed records of the Atlantean civilization andthe catastrophe that ended it.Geryl got an intuitive feeling that the answer was in the Zodiacs of DenderaTemple in Egypt, - that the rectangular zodiac in particular, contains codedinformation about the catastrophe that ended Atlantis, and how to calculate whenthe cycle would recur. He enlisted the help of a Belgian astronomer - GinoRatinckx, who had studied the Dendera Temple and Mayan hieroglyphs. Ratinckxsuggested that Geryl read a rare translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead,by the Frenchman Albert Slosman, and Geryl was so amazed by what he read, thathe forgot all about the Dendera zodiac. This is a shame, since David Pratt haspublished information (on the internet here ) on the Dendera zodiacs that findsencoded 3 previous world catastrophes - just as Slosman had discovered bydecoding the Egyptian Book of the Dead (which should more accurately be called"The Book of Coming Forth by Day"), and John lash has found 2012 encoded in theround zodiac of Dendera (see item 38 ).Slosman's translation is called Le Livre de l'Au-Dela de la Vie , and The OrionProphecy includes some extracts, together with the original hieroglyphs. Iwanted to compare the translation with that of Wallis Budge, and was at firstconfused by the fact that Geryl and Ratinckx don't mention which chapter theextracts are from. Patrick supplied me with some photocopied pages fromSlosman's book, which identified the chapter as Chapter 17. Another point foranyone wishing to compare the translations, is that Budge lists the manuscriptby line number, while Geryl and Ratinckx only provide line numbers for the lastof 5 extracts, and these numbers differ from Budge's. For those of you who wishto compare, see note 1. Once you have found the chapter and line in Budge andcompared it, you may be surpised to find that the translations are completelydifferent. Since Budge was a respected Egyptologist, and Keeper of Egyptian andAssyrian Antiquities at the British Museum, this seems a little odd. However, onpage 14-15 of Slosman's book, he gives his own translation of the "premierverset" (verse one), which is the end of line 5 up to line 9. He then compareshis translation to four others 2 that are all very different, and comments thatthe others have allowed their Christian cultural bias to infect the translation,and that is why their efforts are "perfectly incomprehensible". It must be said;Slosman's translation - at least, the parts I've seen, does seem to be lessawkward, and to make more sense than the others (including Budge). Anyway, ifyou aren't convinced, you must suspend disbelief awhile longer...

Earth shifted 15 cms in Italy quake

Earth shifted 15 cms in Italy quake: satellite imagesAFP - Sat Apr 11, 2:13 PM ETROME (AFP) - The earth in the region of L'Aquila, the central Italian town hitby a major earthquake Monday, shifted by up to 15 centimetres (six inches), theItalian space agency said Saturday.

Underground Bases And Preparations For Planet X Bases And Preparations For Planet XThe person who wrote this message to us did so under their own name (which wehave checked), and enclosed a number of photographs of them with the PrimeMinister of Norway and (separately) with Benazir Bhutto. We are certain of theirbona fides, but you will understand that we cannot reveal their real name orpublish any photos without consent. The content of this message, if true, couldhardly be more important.[Edited for grammar and spelling errors where needed to ensure full clarity. Asa preface to the message, the writer apologized for their English, which is nottheir language.]_____________________________I am a Norwegian politician. I would like to say that difficult things willhappen from the year 2008 till the year 2012. The Norwegian government isbuilding more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simplysay that it is for the protection of the people of Norway. When I enquire whenthey are due to be finished, they reply "before 2011". Israel is also doing thesame and many other countries too. My proof that what I am saying is true is inthe photographs I have sent of myself and all the Prime Ministers and ministersI tend to meet and am acquainted with. They know all of this, but they don'twant to alarm the people or create mass panic. Planet X is coming, and Norwayhas begun with storage of food and seeds in the Svalbard area and in the arcticnorth with the help of the US and EU and all around in Norway. They will onlysave those that are in the elite of power and those that can build up again:doctors, scientists, and so on.As for me, I already know that I am going to leave before 2012 to go the areaof Mosjøen where we have a deep underground military facility. There we aredivided into sectors, red, blue and green. The signs of the Norwegian militaryare already given to them and the camps have already been built a long time ago.The people that are going to be left on the surface and die with along theothers will get no help whatsoever. The plan is that 2,000,000 Norwegians aregoing to be safe, and the rest will die. That means 2,600,000 will perish intothe night not knowing what to do. All the sectors and arks are connected withtunnels and have railcars that can take you from one ark to the other. This isso that they can be in contact with each other. Only the large doors separatethem so that the sectors are not compromised in any matter. I am very sad. OftenI cry with others that know that so many will learn too late, and then it willall be over for them. The government has been lying to the people from 1983 tillnow. All the major politicians know this in Norway, but few will say it to thepeople and the public - because they are afraid in case they too will miss theNOAH 12 railcars that will take them to the ark sites where they will be safe.If they tell anyone, they are dead for sure. But I don't care any more aboutmyself. Mankind must survive and the species must survive. People must knowthis. All the governments in the world are aware of this and they just say it isgoing to happen. For those of the people that can save themselves I can only sayreach for higher ground and find caves up in the high places where you can havea food storage for at least five years with canned food and water to last for awhile. Radiation pills and biosuits are also advisable if your budget allows it.For the last time I say may God help us all... but God will not help us I know.Only each person individually can make a difference. Wake up, please...! I couldhave written to you using another name but I am not afraid of anything any more.When you know certain things, you become invincible and no harm can come to youwhen you know that the end is soon.I assure you 100% that things will happen. There are four years to prepare forthe endgame. Get weapons, and make survival groups, and a place where you can besafe with food for a time. Ask me anything and I will answer as much as I knowabout the Norwegian connection to all this. And just look around: they arebuilding underground bases and bunkers everywhere. Open your eyes, people. Askthe governments what they are building, and they will say "Oh, it's just storagefor food", and so on. They blind you with all the lies. The marks of the alienpresence are also there, and I often see the Norwegian elite politicians are notwhat they say they are. It's like they are controlled in every thought, and whatthey have to say is just as they are told to do things in such manners. It isclear for me who they are, and who they are not. You can see it in their eyesand in their minds. Remember that those who are going to be in and around thecity areas in 2012 are those that are going to be hit first and die first. Laterthe army will purge the rest of the survivors and they have a shoot to killorder if there is any resistance to bring them into the camps where every onewill get marked with a number and a tag. I also see that Benazir Bhutto isspoken of on your site. Her death was tragic. I have met Benazir, as you cansee. You will also see from the photographs that I have met with a number ofother notable politicians and world leaders. The public will not know whathappens till the very end, because the government does not want to create masspanic. Everything will happen quietly and the government will just disappear.But I say this: don't go quietly into the night. Take precautions to be safewith your family. Come together with others. Work together to find ways to solveall the many problems you will face. Kind regards [Name and proof of identitysupplied]_____________________________From immediate further correspondence, and in response to our specificquestions, we can add the following clarifications in our source's own words:I have been to several underground bases [number given]. We used the railcars toget around. Only a few special people were selected to be shown around. Thosethat run with the elite know of this. I have evidence of my claims. I trust mysources 100%, but they are afraid to tell what they know. People are afraid fortheir lives and that is how it is. I just also want the public to know what thehell is going on. I am not afraid of death or any other thing. All the elitepoliticians in Norway know of this. They also know that if they reveal anythingthey will be removed from office and will be denied access to the differentunderground bases when the time is up. The NOAH 12 railcars are transportrailcars between the different bases underground. They have a support system ofthese all around from one base to another. They are mainly used by the militaryand they control all of them. There are orange triangle symbols in each base andthe check-ins are a kind of energy field that everyone has to go through. Thefuture for my children is all I think of - and that for all the other childrengrowing up in the new world. We have to make a difference for them so that theygrow up knowing what their parents did for them, such as giving this informationto people like yourselves. In 2009 the government of FRP will come into powerand Siv Jensen will be elected Prime Minister. This is already known. It'simportant to understand that. The elections are all fake and the same personsand power elite get elected each time in turn. Look up the political history ofNorway, and the people that run the country now. Please share this informationwith the rest of the internet. When the time comes people will survive becauseof the information they have learned from the different sites on the net. I willnot get anything but trouble from posting this, and I have no need to misleadanyone. I do this only to expose what is to happen in my country and that maybesome people will survive what is to come. Kind regards[Name supplied]_____________________________ After posting the above, we presented morequestions to our source, who replied with the intriguing information whichfollows. The paragraphs indented and marked with an asterisk (*) constitutefurther supplementary information received after we had asked a number ofadditional clarifying questions.When I was in the military I was in the [name of service given]. At one point wewere given a task to get something out of a base and deliver it to another base.We were told: "DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS. JUST DO YOUR JOB." Later, when welanded outside the base, we were taken by trucks to outside the base where therewere large doors heavily guarded by other military personnel. Or it seemed likethey were military, but they had different suits on them: orange and black suitswith the orange suits having a golden triangle on them and the black suitshaving a green triangle. * As far as I can remember the triangle went downwards,like a pyramid but facing down and had some weird kind of sign it it. To me itlooked like the letter 'E', but the lines were not connected in the 'E' like wewrite the letter 'E'. It was shaped like the 'E' and in the middle the letter'E' was pointing inwards... not as in any language I can read or understand, andcertainly not in Norwegian. * The signs were as far as I can remember not on thearms because I saw them clearly... they were at the left side of the black suitjust over the chest area and on the caps they had on. The signs were not thatbig - just as a regular sized patch is, but clear enough to see them. We wentthrough the large doors. I was thinking what the hell is this, and I felt a bitscared at first. It was like something out of a science fiction movie. This wasthe first time I was in such a base.We then came to a 500 meter long tunnel and there were more of these militarypersonnel waiting with guns and transport for us. We were divided up in groups.Some went another way, and I and my group were asked to come with the blacksuited guards so they could take us to another location. When we came to the endwe were asked to put on some masks "for our own protection". I was thinking forour own protection... aren't we already protected by being inside this hugeunderground complex and by guards with weapons? We were then asked to stepinside a railcar... and this is what I know of the railcars. They are run bysome kind of blue crystal energy, I think, or at least that is how it appeared.Then we sat in the cars and I asked one of the guards "What is this?" Hereplied, "You don't need to know this, sir." * At the front where the operatorsits there was a box with a window just besides him, and just when beforepowering up you could see the large purple-blue crystals emitting apurple-bluish light... not blinding you but quite beautiful to watch indeed. Ihave never ever seen such energy light or crystals anywhere. I was thinking thatmust be the power source. * Later on in the base I saw that some people wereworking on these purple-blue crystals. They were larger than the ones I saw inthe railcar - ca. one meter in length and they were lined up one after theother. They were taking some light through them. They were in fact purple-blueand when the light went inside they turned more blue and had a stronger color -the people had white masks on and goggles standing away from them when the lightwas going inside the crystals. I was about 20 meters from them and we werequickly rushed along when they said "Move on now." * I also think that theenergy fields that we went through before entering the check-in were powered bythese crystals, because it was the same kind of light - or so it seemed to me.If I remember more I will let you know. I could see that there was a tube-likesystem and the other railcars were just going so fast you just saw a light goingby. I think this was a vacuum tube system where there is no drag.

Great Cross of Hendaye

End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross and Mysteries of the greatCross of Hendaye: Alchemy at the End of Time) it can be stated that the GreatCross at Hendaye appears to be describing not only the end of the great fourages of the Hindu Yuga system but also the four ages of alchemical chronologicaltime keeping. According to the cross at Hendaye the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga,will be coming to an end with the galactic alignment on the winter solstice ofDecember 21st 2012.According to the mythology of the Yuga system there are four ages of life andtime on our planet. It is important to remember that there are many cycleswithin cycles in the Hindu Yuga system so the years mentioned next may have todo with a larger cycle than the one addressed in this article. Perhaps the hugenumber of years referred to below is the cycle of the solar system as it circlesanother star or perhaps it is a portion of the great cycle of one revolutionaround the galactic center.The first age is the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age according to Fulcanelli. TheHindu texts tell us that this age lasts 1,728,000 years. This is an age ofextreme splendour when the beings on our planet appear to live much longer thanthey do now. In this age there are no wars, famines strife or evil.The second age is called the Treta Yuga, or the Silver age. As in the second lawof thermodynamics, or entropy, things begin to slip in this age and the beingson Earth begin to deteriorate. This slippage, at least during this second age isthe beginning of corruption and evil is introduced into the planetary sphere.This age lasts 1,296,000 years according to the Vedic texts of India.The third age of this cycle is called the Dvapara Age, or the Bronze Age. Thisis the beginning of the `fall' of humanity. In this age corruption comes on morefully, evil begins to spread and things start to fall into disharmony. This agelasts 864,000 years.The last age is called the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This age is the age weare in right now. Evil and corruption become the driving force as greed, wars,famine and disease spread across the planet like a tidal wave of death anddestruction. This age lasts, according to the Hindu texts for 432,000 years.(For more information see also Tolkien at the End of Time: Alchemical Secrets ofthe Lord of the Rings by Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose at, or seeReflections on the Cycle of the Great Yuga by Sharron Rose at is important to understand while discussing these huge numbers found in theHindu texts is that they are describing the four ages within a context ofunderstanding that each successive age is shorter than the previous age. TheSatya Yuga, or the Golden Age, is one quarter longer than the Treta Yuga, or theSilver Age. The Treta Yuga is one quarter longer than the Dvapara Yuga, or theBronze Age. Understanding these differences in the lengths of the ages becomesimportant to the following discussion.According to Fulcanelli and the cross at Hendaye, the alchemical Four Agescomprise the four quadrants of a 25,920 yearlong cycle called the precession ofthe equinoxes. Essentially, the precession of the equinoxes can be explained bythe fact that our Earth has a wobble. Like a top spinning on the floor, as itbegins to lose momentum this wobble of the earth takes nearly 26,000 years tounfold. The strange engraving of the four `A's' (see illustration A) on thecross of Hendaye is a "hieroglyph of the universe", according to Fulcanelli. Itis "comprised of the conventional signs of heaven and earth, the spiritual andthe temporal, the macrocosm and the microcosm, in which major emblems of theredemption (cross) and the world (circle) are found in association".What Fulcanelli appears to be saying here is that the precession of theequinoxes is to be divided into four distinct ages of 6480 years each (4 dividedinto 25,920) or, to round off the figures to approximately 6500 years each. Thisis also interesting because the zodiacal cycle, which lasts 25,920 years, hasfour fixed signs. These are the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.These four signs are separated by 6,500 years each. Also in the Book of Ezekieland in the Book of Revelation we are told of the angel with four faces. Thisangel has the face of a Lion (Leo), a Bull (Taurus), a Man (the angel) and anEagle (in older times Scorpio was represented by an eagle instead of ascorpion). Apparently, according to Fulcanelli, both of these books in the Bibleare warnings and messages about the four quadrants of the precession of theequinoxes and appear to be telling us that there is some kind of great changewhenever we arrive at one of these four signs.Of course it is well known that we are currently entering the Age of Aquarius.The Cross at Hendaye and Fulcanelli are telling us that there are tremendouschanges to be found here on Earth when we enter into one of the four fixedsigns. Apparently these changes can be cataclysmic.Obviously this 6,500 year long dating of the four alchemical ages disagrees withthe Hindu Yuga system, which insists that each Yuga is of varying time lengths.It is in trying to iron out the dissimilarities in these two time periods thatthe hyperdimensional aspects of time can be best revealed.It is well known in modern physics that the four dimensional space, of whichtime is an aspect, is in the shape of a hypersphere. (see illustration B) Thishypersphere appears similar to the shape of a donut, or a bagel. The energy, orthe flow of the energy stream, within this hypersphere works like this: As shownin the illustration, the flow comes out of the bottom of the sphere, winds itsway up around the outside edge, crosses the outside equator of the torus sphereand moves towards the hole in the top of this torus. The energy flow then beginsto fall through the top of the hole and begins to spin in a vortex. This energyflow continues until it comes out of the bottom side of the torus where theenergy flow begins its outward expansion again. This flow is continuous and, ina sense, is infinite. The Four Dimensional Hypersphere torus is also represented by the hypercube. Ahypercube is a cube within a cube according to physicists. Essentially thiscube, also called `The Cube of Space' or the Tetragrammatron' by the alchemistsis a straight edged version of the donut shaped hypersphere. (See illustrationC)Scientists love to be able to construct objects using straight lines, so theyhave created the hypercube to help them better understand the hyperdimensionaluniverse that surrounds us. Alchemists however, like to use the curved lines ofnature, so the donut shaped torus or hypersphere, is a better, more naturalvisual description of hyperdimensional space and will be the one I use in thisessay.The alchemists believe that there is a hyperdimensional `body' around everyliving thing on earth. This hyperdimensional `body' or sphere known to mysticsas the luminous energy body, also surrounds every planet and star as well. Eachobject in the three dimensional world is an affectation of four-dimensionalspace. Humans, animals, plants, planets and stars are the solid inside of thefourth dimensional energy flow. As you will see time also travels in thisfashion (See illustration D). ( For more information on the luminous energy bodysee my films Healing the Luminous Body with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, ArtMind withAlex Grey and Yoga of Light with Sharron Rose.)In order to begin to understand the topographical nature of time it is veryimportant to understand the guts of this hyperdimensional sphere. By the `guts'I am referring to the vortexes that make up the energy flow that runs throughthe center of the hypersphere. As the energy flow begins to fall into the vortexthat runs through the center of the sphere it takes on the shape of atetrahedron.A tetrahedron, as shown in illustration E, is the building block ofthree-dimensional space and is the founding member of the Platonic Solids. Thetetrahedron is the simplest object that can be created in three dimensions. Theonly object with just four sides, the tetrahedron is also shaped like a vortex.Let us digress for a moment and discuss vortexes. Back in the Midwest, where Icome from, there is a place called Tornado Alley. This is the flat Great Plainsthat stretches from Texas to the Dakotas. Each year this area is visited bynumerous tornados, which wreak havoc on the farms and towns of this area. Thesetornados usually start in May and last until early August. Having witnessedseveral tornados in my early years I became fascinated by them and was once evena `storm chaser'. In my young and foolish days I used to chase after tornadoswith my Bolex 16mm camera in order to capture them on film. I became veryfamiliar with these lethal vortexes.But understanding tornados also helps us understand vortexes and the density offorces in the hypersphere. Tornados (and also hurricanes) are made up of airlike that which surrounds us all the time. But as the air begins spinning ittakes on a strange solidity. While the swirling air at the top of a tornado issomewhat dangerous, it is the spinning air near the surface of the ground thatis really dangerous. Near the tip of a tornado, where it is in contact with theground, the air takes on the quality of solid iron. The tips of tornados can ripbuildings apart, throw cars and trucks thousands of feet and punch chaffs ofwheat into the very center of a trees like a bullet. As the air spins moreviolently, the tip of the tornado vortex becomes as strong as 50 locomotivesengines and possesses the density of the hardest of metals. Yet it is justcomprised of air molecules. But these molecules are spinning so quickly thatthey create a mass that is extremely powerful. It is the spin of the air thatcauses it to densify and take on the solidity of metals.Getting back to the central core of our hyperdimensional torus we can understandthe vortexes inside this sphere and how time unfolds by using the tornadoanalogy. As the energy flow begins to dip down into the top of the tetrahedralshaped vortex it begins to spin. As the energy flow descends, its spin becomesmore rapid and compressed. Like a tornado, as it reaches further down, the tipof the vortex `hardens'. It could be said that his hardening of vorticularforces is what makes up the solidity of our three dimensional space. Each human,plant, animal and indeed every planet and star alike are the hardened tips ofhyperdimensional vortexes, which are flowing all around us constantly.Like air, these hyperdimensional forces are pretty much invisible to us. It isonly when these forces coagulate into a spinning vortex that they can be seenand felt. It is through the rapid spinning of four-dimensional space that thesolidity of the third dimension is actually created. The mystics from all greattraditions know this and they realize these inner dynamics of the fourthdimension as it interacts with the third dimension. The fourth dimension is thesurrounding sphere and the third dimension are the tetrahedral vortexes thatmake up the central core of the sphere. To the ancients, four-dimensional spacewas called `spirit' and three-dimensional space was called `matter'.So what does this have to do with time and the topography of time? Remember thedilemma that we face in trying to make the four ages of the precession match upwith the Ages or Yugas from the Hindu system? By attempting to make the two intoone we can not only understand the topology of time, but also we can map timelike the ancients and we can know where we are in the river of time.As shown in illustration F, imagine that we are coming through the very centerof where the two tetrahedral tornado vortexes intersect at the very center ofthe inner hyperdimensional sphere. Moving down the bottom vortex towards theoutside surface of the sphere, each spin in the vortex takes longer and is widerand slower than the previous spin in the vortex. In other words, the energy flowexpands after it passes the `null' point in the very center of thehyperdimensional sphere, or torus, where the tips of the two tetrahedralvortexes touch.This energy flow continues its expansion as it climbs over the lip of the bottomedge of the sphere where the vortex meets the outside edge of the sphere. Theenergy flow continues to expand until it reaches the outside equator area of thesphere. Once it gets past the equator, the energy flow begins to condense, theflow begins to move faster and the spin density increases. This flow continuesuntil the energy flow reaches the upper lip of the outside of thehyperdimensional sphere where it begins to `fall' into the top of the tornadotetrahedral vortex.Now as the flow of energy falls down the vortex towards the null point at thevery center of the sphere it begins to harden as it spins faster and faster.This goes on and on until the vortex is so hard it is like iron. This is how thefourth dimensional forces create three-dimensional reality. As the vortex spinsfaster and faster eventually it compresses down to the point where it hasnowhere to go but outwards again. This occurs at the null point in the center ofthe sphere and the energy flow now begins to once again expand.The Golden Age is the time period that starts at the null point in the center ofthe sphere and continues through the bottom vortex. As the energy flow expandsoutwards time appears to slow down. The entire period of the Satya Yuga, or theGolden Age, continues as the energy flow goes down the bottom vortex and roundsacross the top of the sphere. It continues expanding until it arrives at theequator (see illustration G).The equator of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere is the borderlinebetween the Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga, or the Golden Age and the Silver Age. Nowthe energy flow begins to contract as it flows upwards towards the north pole ofthe hypersphere.The Silver Age, or the Treta Yuga, continues until the energy flow rounds thetop lip of the hyperdimensional sphere and begins to fall into the uppertetrahedral vortex. This then is the borderline between the Treta Yuga and theDvapara Yuga, or the border between the Silver Age and the Bronze Age.About two thirds down in the upper vortex, where the energy flow is spinning sofast that it becomes as solid as iron, is beginning of the last Age, the KaliYuga, or the Iron Age. This spinning continues to gain density and compressionand speed as it races towards the central null point in the very center of thesphere. As it approaches this null point the forces become unbelievably fast,violent and dense. It is only when these forces achieve maximum density and theycan no longer compress any further that they begin to suddenly flip and beginthe expansion of the flow. This happens in an instant. This is the shift fromthe Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age, or the Satya Yuga. Theborderline between the Iron Age and the Golden Age is the most distinct borderin this topographical illustration of hyperdimensional time. It is the mostjarring and is instantaneous.Take notice of the hourglass shape of the two tetrahedral vortexes inside thehyperdimensional sphere. Is this why Fulcanelli tells us about the hour-glass inthe quote at the beginning of this article? In the Hindu mythology the God Shivadances the world into and out of existence playing his dhamaru which is a twosided drum shaped like an hourglass.Notice that, like the number of years in the Hindu Yuga system, the distancetraveled through our ages in the hypersphere is similar; the Golden Age, whichis the distance between the null point in the center and the outside equator istwice the distance as that traveled through the Silver Age which is the distancefrom the equator to the top of the lip of the upper vortex. Equally, thedistance traveled from the top of the vortex to two thirds down, which is theBronze Age, is half the length of the Silver Age. Finally, the tip of the vortexis half the length of the Bronze Age.This part, called the Iron Age, is the Age in which we live. This is also why,in the Iron Age, each second feels shorter than the second before. This is whyeach day, each month and year appear to be going faster than they didpreviously. In the topology of time this effect can be easily understood andexplained.Also remember even though the distance traveled is much further in the GoldenAge than it is in the Iron Age, the number of years it takes is the same. Ittakes 6,480 years to go through the Golden Age just as it takes 6,480 years togo through the Iron Age, but it feels much different. In the Golden Age eachsecond, each day, each month and year appear to be longer than the previous day,month and year. Time is expanding in the Golden Age and with that expansion theanxiety and tension of the Iron Age disappears. It is a paradise, especially tothose who may have survived the passing through the wormhole, or the null pointat the center of the hyperdimensional sphere.Therefore, the years listed within the Yuga system are actually symbolic timesthat explain the lengths of time as it is felt not as it is lived. So the GoldenAge or the Satya Yuga feels like it is much longer than the Kali Yuga, or theIron Age. The shamans in Peru tell us that we are approaching the Pacha Cuti, which means,literally `the world turned upside down'. They say that it will arrive in theyear 2012 (see illustration H). This is also the year when the great Mayancalendar reaches its end point. The cross of Hendaye is quite explicit in sayingthat we are reaching the very end of the Iron Age. I would suggest that the nullpoint, or the wormhole at the very center of the hypersphere, is very likely the2012 date. Our hypersphere appears to be regulated by the periodic alignment ofthe galactic center with the sun. This also matches the four fixed signs of thezodiac and explains why the Christian tradition is preparing for the endtimes.The unknown builder of the mysterious Cross at Hendaye gives the entirehyperdimensional map to us on a platter. Fulcanelli coyly ignores it knowingthat its meaning will only become clear when one has truly understood alchemy.At the very top of the Cross, on the west side, just above the broken LatinInscription, sits a single `X'. (See Illustration I.)Illustration I: The "X" at the Top of the CrossThis `X' is the inner map of the guts of the hyperdimensional sphere and revealsthe hourglass shape in a clear and concise manner. The `X' is truly the mostmysterious symbol on the Cross at Hendaye and its meaning is finally revealedhere in this article.Oddly enough, it also appears that Stanley Kubrick is trying to tell us aboutthe end of our Age in his masterpiece film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Starchildat the end of the film has passed through the Star Gate of the black monolithand is returning to Earth to create a new world or a new Age (see AlchhemicalKubrick: 2001: The Great Work on Film at is through our understanding of the Four Ages, the fixed signs of the zodiacand the Yuga system that we can finally appreciate the message that ourancestors have handed down to us. We are about to pass through the Star Gate,the wormhole, and the null point of hyperdimensional space.The Cross of Hendaye reveals the most important knowledge of all, which is theend of time and the beginning of the Golden Age. Awareness of this knowledgehelps us all to more fully comprehend the nature of the times in which we resideand the destiny of the human race.Endnote:Incidentally the human life span has a strange association with the hypersphereand the topology of time. It takes 72 years for the precession of the equinoxesto advance one degree (360 X 72 = 25,920). Interestingly, at least during theIron Age, the average human life span is about 72 years, which is 26,280 days,very close to the precessional figure of 25,920. Incidentally, the ancientsthought that the year had 360 days, which would have made 72 years come out toexactly 25,920 days.But the human life span can also divided into four Ages. If we divide 72 yearsinto four periods of 18 years each we can discover our own personal four ages ofexistence.There are 6510 days in each of these 18-year periods. The Golden Age of a humanis from their birth to when they reach 18 years of age. The Silver Age is thenext period from 18 to 36 years old. The Bronze Age of a life is from 36 yearsold to 54 years of age and the Iron Age is from 54 years old to 72.Like the four great ages of alchemical timekeeping these four ages also feeldifferent. It seems to take forever to get to be eighteen years old. But when weare 54 years old, or older, the days and years feel as if they are flying by.Also the body appears to gain density as we age. Our bones creak and arthritisbegins to attack us as we age. It becomes more difficult to lose weight and webecome set in our ways.Even our lives appear to be ruled by the topology of hyperdimensional space.See Part II: The Alchemy of Time - Understandingv the Great Year and the Cyclesof Existence