Saturday, July 11, 2009

Religious theories on or about 2012

Religious theories* According to the 1997 book The Bible Code a meteor, asteroid or comet willcollide with the Earth. (some believe this means the world will end. This eventwas prophesied by John the Evangelist as Wormwood in the Book of Revelation.* Tibetan Monks specialising in remote viewing predict that divineextra-terrestrials will intervene at a point where the world's governments areabout to deploy weapons of mass destruction. Adding to this, the Tibetan Monkssay that the world is not ready to be destroyed and that our Earth is blessedand being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards that Mankind is not evenaware of.* The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, speculated that thenext pontiff would be from the Order of Saint Benedict or Gloria Olivae. InApril 2005 former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papalcy, lateradopting the name Pope Benedict XVI and supposedly fulfilling this prophecy.Saint Malachy predicted that this Pope would reign during the beginning of thetribulation which Jesus spoke of and sometime before a future pope described inthe prophecy as "Peter the Roman". According to St. Malachy, the 112th Pope'spontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome and the LastJudgement. [9]Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope, is #111 in the list. Hehimself stated that his "pontificate will not be a long one" due to his age, andmany have speculated that it is within reason that he could pass away before2012. However since the doomsday Pope (Peter the Roman) is not assigned a number(we only say that it is the 112th Pope because it is the one after the 111thPope), it is possible that the #111th Pope and Peter the Roman are the sameperson, which means that the lesser tribulation could begin within thepontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. [10]* Plans to rebuild the Jewish holy Temple in Israel have been on the drawingboard since June 2005. Predictions from the Book of Daniel depict what isrefered to as the abomination of desolation, a restoration and then destructionof the Jewish Temple in Israel. This is related to the Prophecy of the SeventyWeeks. According to Daniel's predictions, "From the time that the dailysacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up,there will be 1,290 days./ Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the endof the 1,335 days." In total, this timespan is just 45 days short of thepredicted 7 year tribulation of the Book of Revelations, locating the datesometime in the year 2012. [11]

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ has raised me from the dead according to His promise to raise another up on the last day. He has done this through normal consummation.

    I am the resurrected Prophet of the Most High, St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come", enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), your ultimate, penultimate authority.
