Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Eight Horsemen of 2012

The Eight Horsemen of 2012by Paul Dale RobertsSource: http://mysterytopia.comThe Mayans were an intelligent civilization that had advanced writing, knewmathematics and were well versed in astronomy. Most people think that perhapsthe world will end in 2012, because this is the prophesy of the Mayans. TheMayans made this prediction 2000 years ago and the dire date of doom is December21, 2012. Why is 2012 so significant? Should we be worried? Should we even care?Let's take the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and see what imminent threats lieahead. Then let's add a few more horsemen. Let's really get this party started!After we are all done, let's add everything up and see if we truly havesomething dark in the forecast.Horseman known as War: In the bible it's mentioned in Matthew 24:6..."you willbe hearing of wars and rumors of wars...." The threat of war is around us. Weknow of the war in Iraq. There is still a lot of unrest in the Middle East.Russia is starting to give us the cold shoulder again. Russia supports a nuclearprogram for Iran. Iran doesn't like Israel and it goes on and on and on. What ifIran declares to have nuclear capabilities. Our intelligence agents learn thatthey are planning to do a preemptive strike on their enemy Israel. Then Americawould step in, we most likely would lay out a preemptive strike first on Iranand somewhere Magog aka Russia would make their move. We must remember that inEzekiel 38 through 39 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalitionof nations that surround it. Laying down the foundation for Armageddon. So asyou can see the threat of war will always be with us.Horseman known as Famine: Not a problem, with global warming on the horizon, weshould easily have all sort of droughts throughout the world. Drought equalsmass starvation. There is chunk of ice the size of Connecticut breaking off fromAntarctica. What is next a chunk of ice, the size of Texas? Then a chunk of icethe size of Alaska? That should bring on some rising waters, destroy a fewcities. Everyone listen up to Al Gore. We are headed for disaster! The wayglobal warming is headed, we will be seeing rising sea levels, glacial retreats,a shrunken Arctic, some extreme weather conditions, more forest fires, powerfulhurricanes and tropical cyclones, agriculture disasters. When 2012 gets here, itshould be getting worse. Does anyone see it getting better? I think it's a bittoo late. Okay Mayans, what else do you have for us?Horseman known as Pestilence: This one is easy. The Brazilian rain forest ispractically gone. We keep on cutting down the trees and god knows what diseasesare hiding in that luscious forest, waiting to creep up on mankind. We alreadyhave AIDS, flesh eating bacteria, some kind of super bug. We should all preparefor some major diseases in our near future. Maybe around 2012. You got to lovethose Mayans! Bring on the plagues!Horseman known as Death: If global warming really gets a good kick start, thereshould be a lot of drought hitting one of our biggest land masses...Africa. Ifwars and the threat of terrorism continues, we should see more of death. Ifdiseases and plagues sweep around the world easily through mass airtransportation, that should wipe out a majority of the human race. Yep, deathshould be all around us. It's already all around us.Before we talk about some other Horsemen. Let's talk about a white buffalo calf.The Apache, Blackfoot, Caddo, Hidatsa, Commanche, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Cherokee,Chippewa, Mandan and the Sioux all believed in a prophesy that would lead ustowards end times. This would happen when a white buffalo came upon our world.Meet Miracle, a pure white buffalo born on August 20, 1994 on the Heider Farm inJanesville, Wisconsin. Hmmm...let me see, 1994 is pretty close to 2012.Coincidence? Maybe there is something to this prophesy. I guess, we will have towait and see.New Horseman known as Solar Dragon: Researchers at the National Center forAtmospheric Research (NCAR) make claim that we will be hit by the heaviest solarflare that even overshadows the historic Solar Max of 1958. With all of thetechnology that we use, such as cell phones, computers and everything else, thissolar flare could black out the whole world in one foul sweep! This solar flarecan hit us either in the year, 2010, 2011 or 2012! There we go again mentioning2012. Yep, we have a definite storm coming, a solar storm! What disaster willthis solar storm produce for mankind?Since the Mayans knew astronomy so well, they were able to predict a fantasticalignment. Our galaxy has a center. In this center, in which billions of starstake millions of years to revolve around, is located in the thickest starcluster that is part of the milky way, as seen from Earth. On December 21, 2012,guess what happens? During the Winter Solstice, this center will align with ourown sun. This alignment was seen as significant to the Mayans. Is this alignmentas significant as the Star of Bethlehem was to the birth of Jesus?Let's meet a few more Horsemen of the Apocalypse.New Horseman Known as Axis. Yep, there is another threat on the horizon. Alittle bit of global cooling and perhaps the Earth will shift by a mere 33.5degrees. That would cause some major damage. How many of us can survive an axisshift?New Horseman Known as Quake: Sounds like a WWE wrestler, but this Horsemen willshake you up! The ring of fire around the Pacific rim is getting more and moreactive. Earthquakes are increasing and more are predicted around know...2012.New Horsemen Known as Comet: Some people who dabble with the bible code, thinkthat Earth will be impacted by a comet. This one I don't buy, now if they weretalking about asteroid 99942 Apophis impacting us in 2029 or 2036, that one Icould swallow. But, the way NASA recently shot down a satellite, we most likewould be prepared for a threat from an engaging asteroid or comet.With all of the Horsemen looming down upon us, I hope Zecharia Sitchin iscorrect that he says that Planet X aka Nibiru is nearing a close orbit towardsEarth.Perhaps Anu and his two sons Enki (Ea) and Enlil, if they ever stop feuding fora while, will gather the rest of the Anunnakis to save us from a futuristicdoomscape. The only reason why I mention Planet X, is because there are manybelievers who believe in the second coming and that we will all be saved. Forthose who believe the words of the Summerian clay tablets, they believe Planet Xwill return to close proximity to Earth and a new age will be brought forth, asthe Anunnakis reveal themselves once again to mankind. We will learn that ourmyths and religions were actually centered on the gods from Nibiru. Stories ofPoseidon and Neptune are in reality the story of Anu as he returned to Nibiru todominate the seas and waters. Perhaps the Mayans received their astronomyknow-how from the gods. The gods of Nibiru.Perhaps a great disaster will unfold around the year 2012, but I also believethat if we face grave disasters, we somehow will overcome and a new world willbe brought forth. A new age and perhaps during this new age, we will also learnthat we are not alone in the universe.Oh, I said, let's add everything up to see if we are actually doomed for theyear 2012. Let me see, if you add this horseman with this horseman. Then addthis horseman with....ahh shucks, we better get ready to kiss our ---- goodbye.Doesn't look good folks!

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