Saturday, July 11, 2009

Great Cross of Hendaye

End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross and Mysteries of the greatCross of Hendaye: Alchemy at the End of Time) it can be stated that the GreatCross at Hendaye appears to be describing not only the end of the great fourages of the Hindu Yuga system but also the four ages of alchemical chronologicaltime keeping. According to the cross at Hendaye the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga,will be coming to an end with the galactic alignment on the winter solstice ofDecember 21st 2012.According to the mythology of the Yuga system there are four ages of life andtime on our planet. It is important to remember that there are many cycleswithin cycles in the Hindu Yuga system so the years mentioned next may have todo with a larger cycle than the one addressed in this article. Perhaps the hugenumber of years referred to below is the cycle of the solar system as it circlesanother star or perhaps it is a portion of the great cycle of one revolutionaround the galactic center.The first age is the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age according to Fulcanelli. TheHindu texts tell us that this age lasts 1,728,000 years. This is an age ofextreme splendour when the beings on our planet appear to live much longer thanthey do now. In this age there are no wars, famines strife or evil.The second age is called the Treta Yuga, or the Silver age. As in the second lawof thermodynamics, or entropy, things begin to slip in this age and the beingson Earth begin to deteriorate. This slippage, at least during this second age isthe beginning of corruption and evil is introduced into the planetary sphere.This age lasts 1,296,000 years according to the Vedic texts of India.The third age of this cycle is called the Dvapara Age, or the Bronze Age. Thisis the beginning of the `fall' of humanity. In this age corruption comes on morefully, evil begins to spread and things start to fall into disharmony. This agelasts 864,000 years.The last age is called the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This age is the age weare in right now. Evil and corruption become the driving force as greed, wars,famine and disease spread across the planet like a tidal wave of death anddestruction. This age lasts, according to the Hindu texts for 432,000 years.(For more information see also Tolkien at the End of Time: Alchemical Secrets ofthe Lord of the Rings by Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose at, or seeReflections on the Cycle of the Great Yuga by Sharron Rose at is important to understand while discussing these huge numbers found in theHindu texts is that they are describing the four ages within a context ofunderstanding that each successive age is shorter than the previous age. TheSatya Yuga, or the Golden Age, is one quarter longer than the Treta Yuga, or theSilver Age. The Treta Yuga is one quarter longer than the Dvapara Yuga, or theBronze Age. Understanding these differences in the lengths of the ages becomesimportant to the following discussion.According to Fulcanelli and the cross at Hendaye, the alchemical Four Agescomprise the four quadrants of a 25,920 yearlong cycle called the precession ofthe equinoxes. Essentially, the precession of the equinoxes can be explained bythe fact that our Earth has a wobble. Like a top spinning on the floor, as itbegins to lose momentum this wobble of the earth takes nearly 26,000 years tounfold. The strange engraving of the four `A's' (see illustration A) on thecross of Hendaye is a "hieroglyph of the universe", according to Fulcanelli. Itis "comprised of the conventional signs of heaven and earth, the spiritual andthe temporal, the macrocosm and the microcosm, in which major emblems of theredemption (cross) and the world (circle) are found in association".What Fulcanelli appears to be saying here is that the precession of theequinoxes is to be divided into four distinct ages of 6480 years each (4 dividedinto 25,920) or, to round off the figures to approximately 6500 years each. Thisis also interesting because the zodiacal cycle, which lasts 25,920 years, hasfour fixed signs. These are the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.These four signs are separated by 6,500 years each. Also in the Book of Ezekieland in the Book of Revelation we are told of the angel with four faces. Thisangel has the face of a Lion (Leo), a Bull (Taurus), a Man (the angel) and anEagle (in older times Scorpio was represented by an eagle instead of ascorpion). Apparently, according to Fulcanelli, both of these books in the Bibleare warnings and messages about the four quadrants of the precession of theequinoxes and appear to be telling us that there is some kind of great changewhenever we arrive at one of these four signs.Of course it is well known that we are currently entering the Age of Aquarius.The Cross at Hendaye and Fulcanelli are telling us that there are tremendouschanges to be found here on Earth when we enter into one of the four fixedsigns. Apparently these changes can be cataclysmic.Obviously this 6,500 year long dating of the four alchemical ages disagrees withthe Hindu Yuga system, which insists that each Yuga is of varying time lengths.It is in trying to iron out the dissimilarities in these two time periods thatthe hyperdimensional aspects of time can be best revealed.It is well known in modern physics that the four dimensional space, of whichtime is an aspect, is in the shape of a hypersphere. (see illustration B) Thishypersphere appears similar to the shape of a donut, or a bagel. The energy, orthe flow of the energy stream, within this hypersphere works like this: As shownin the illustration, the flow comes out of the bottom of the sphere, winds itsway up around the outside edge, crosses the outside equator of the torus sphereand moves towards the hole in the top of this torus. The energy flow then beginsto fall through the top of the hole and begins to spin in a vortex. This energyflow continues until it comes out of the bottom side of the torus where theenergy flow begins its outward expansion again. This flow is continuous and, ina sense, is infinite. The Four Dimensional Hypersphere torus is also represented by the hypercube. Ahypercube is a cube within a cube according to physicists. Essentially thiscube, also called `The Cube of Space' or the Tetragrammatron' by the alchemistsis a straight edged version of the donut shaped hypersphere. (See illustrationC)Scientists love to be able to construct objects using straight lines, so theyhave created the hypercube to help them better understand the hyperdimensionaluniverse that surrounds us. Alchemists however, like to use the curved lines ofnature, so the donut shaped torus or hypersphere, is a better, more naturalvisual description of hyperdimensional space and will be the one I use in thisessay.The alchemists believe that there is a hyperdimensional `body' around everyliving thing on earth. This hyperdimensional `body' or sphere known to mysticsas the luminous energy body, also surrounds every planet and star as well. Eachobject in the three dimensional world is an affectation of four-dimensionalspace. Humans, animals, plants, planets and stars are the solid inside of thefourth dimensional energy flow. As you will see time also travels in thisfashion (See illustration D). ( For more information on the luminous energy bodysee my films Healing the Luminous Body with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, ArtMind withAlex Grey and Yoga of Light with Sharron Rose.)In order to begin to understand the topographical nature of time it is veryimportant to understand the guts of this hyperdimensional sphere. By the `guts'I am referring to the vortexes that make up the energy flow that runs throughthe center of the hypersphere. As the energy flow begins to fall into the vortexthat runs through the center of the sphere it takes on the shape of atetrahedron.A tetrahedron, as shown in illustration E, is the building block ofthree-dimensional space and is the founding member of the Platonic Solids. Thetetrahedron is the simplest object that can be created in three dimensions. Theonly object with just four sides, the tetrahedron is also shaped like a vortex.Let us digress for a moment and discuss vortexes. Back in the Midwest, where Icome from, there is a place called Tornado Alley. This is the flat Great Plainsthat stretches from Texas to the Dakotas. Each year this area is visited bynumerous tornados, which wreak havoc on the farms and towns of this area. Thesetornados usually start in May and last until early August. Having witnessedseveral tornados in my early years I became fascinated by them and was once evena `storm chaser'. In my young and foolish days I used to chase after tornadoswith my Bolex 16mm camera in order to capture them on film. I became veryfamiliar with these lethal vortexes.But understanding tornados also helps us understand vortexes and the density offorces in the hypersphere. Tornados (and also hurricanes) are made up of airlike that which surrounds us all the time. But as the air begins spinning ittakes on a strange solidity. While the swirling air at the top of a tornado issomewhat dangerous, it is the spinning air near the surface of the ground thatis really dangerous. Near the tip of a tornado, where it is in contact with theground, the air takes on the quality of solid iron. The tips of tornados can ripbuildings apart, throw cars and trucks thousands of feet and punch chaffs ofwheat into the very center of a trees like a bullet. As the air spins moreviolently, the tip of the tornado vortex becomes as strong as 50 locomotivesengines and possesses the density of the hardest of metals. Yet it is justcomprised of air molecules. But these molecules are spinning so quickly thatthey create a mass that is extremely powerful. It is the spin of the air thatcauses it to densify and take on the solidity of metals.Getting back to the central core of our hyperdimensional torus we can understandthe vortexes inside this sphere and how time unfolds by using the tornadoanalogy. As the energy flow begins to dip down into the top of the tetrahedralshaped vortex it begins to spin. As the energy flow descends, its spin becomesmore rapid and compressed. Like a tornado, as it reaches further down, the tipof the vortex `hardens'. It could be said that his hardening of vorticularforces is what makes up the solidity of our three dimensional space. Each human,plant, animal and indeed every planet and star alike are the hardened tips ofhyperdimensional vortexes, which are flowing all around us constantly.Like air, these hyperdimensional forces are pretty much invisible to us. It isonly when these forces coagulate into a spinning vortex that they can be seenand felt. It is through the rapid spinning of four-dimensional space that thesolidity of the third dimension is actually created. The mystics from all greattraditions know this and they realize these inner dynamics of the fourthdimension as it interacts with the third dimension. The fourth dimension is thesurrounding sphere and the third dimension are the tetrahedral vortexes thatmake up the central core of the sphere. To the ancients, four-dimensional spacewas called `spirit' and three-dimensional space was called `matter'.So what does this have to do with time and the topography of time? Remember thedilemma that we face in trying to make the four ages of the precession match upwith the Ages or Yugas from the Hindu system? By attempting to make the two intoone we can not only understand the topology of time, but also we can map timelike the ancients and we can know where we are in the river of time.As shown in illustration F, imagine that we are coming through the very centerof where the two tetrahedral tornado vortexes intersect at the very center ofthe inner hyperdimensional sphere. Moving down the bottom vortex towards theoutside surface of the sphere, each spin in the vortex takes longer and is widerand slower than the previous spin in the vortex. In other words, the energy flowexpands after it passes the `null' point in the very center of thehyperdimensional sphere, or torus, where the tips of the two tetrahedralvortexes touch.This energy flow continues its expansion as it climbs over the lip of the bottomedge of the sphere where the vortex meets the outside edge of the sphere. Theenergy flow continues to expand until it reaches the outside equator area of thesphere. Once it gets past the equator, the energy flow begins to condense, theflow begins to move faster and the spin density increases. This flow continuesuntil the energy flow reaches the upper lip of the outside of thehyperdimensional sphere where it begins to `fall' into the top of the tornadotetrahedral vortex.Now as the flow of energy falls down the vortex towards the null point at thevery center of the sphere it begins to harden as it spins faster and faster.This goes on and on until the vortex is so hard it is like iron. This is how thefourth dimensional forces create three-dimensional reality. As the vortex spinsfaster and faster eventually it compresses down to the point where it hasnowhere to go but outwards again. This occurs at the null point in the center ofthe sphere and the energy flow now begins to once again expand.The Golden Age is the time period that starts at the null point in the center ofthe sphere and continues through the bottom vortex. As the energy flow expandsoutwards time appears to slow down. The entire period of the Satya Yuga, or theGolden Age, continues as the energy flow goes down the bottom vortex and roundsacross the top of the sphere. It continues expanding until it arrives at theequator (see illustration G).The equator of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere is the borderlinebetween the Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga, or the Golden Age and the Silver Age. Nowthe energy flow begins to contract as it flows upwards towards the north pole ofthe hypersphere.The Silver Age, or the Treta Yuga, continues until the energy flow rounds thetop lip of the hyperdimensional sphere and begins to fall into the uppertetrahedral vortex. This then is the borderline between the Treta Yuga and theDvapara Yuga, or the border between the Silver Age and the Bronze Age.About two thirds down in the upper vortex, where the energy flow is spinning sofast that it becomes as solid as iron, is beginning of the last Age, the KaliYuga, or the Iron Age. This spinning continues to gain density and compressionand speed as it races towards the central null point in the very center of thesphere. As it approaches this null point the forces become unbelievably fast,violent and dense. It is only when these forces achieve maximum density and theycan no longer compress any further that they begin to suddenly flip and beginthe expansion of the flow. This happens in an instant. This is the shift fromthe Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age, or the Satya Yuga. Theborderline between the Iron Age and the Golden Age is the most distinct borderin this topographical illustration of hyperdimensional time. It is the mostjarring and is instantaneous.Take notice of the hourglass shape of the two tetrahedral vortexes inside thehyperdimensional sphere. Is this why Fulcanelli tells us about the hour-glass inthe quote at the beginning of this article? In the Hindu mythology the God Shivadances the world into and out of existence playing his dhamaru which is a twosided drum shaped like an hourglass.Notice that, like the number of years in the Hindu Yuga system, the distancetraveled through our ages in the hypersphere is similar; the Golden Age, whichis the distance between the null point in the center and the outside equator istwice the distance as that traveled through the Silver Age which is the distancefrom the equator to the top of the lip of the upper vortex. Equally, thedistance traveled from the top of the vortex to two thirds down, which is theBronze Age, is half the length of the Silver Age. Finally, the tip of the vortexis half the length of the Bronze Age.This part, called the Iron Age, is the Age in which we live. This is also why,in the Iron Age, each second feels shorter than the second before. This is whyeach day, each month and year appear to be going faster than they didpreviously. In the topology of time this effect can be easily understood andexplained.Also remember even though the distance traveled is much further in the GoldenAge than it is in the Iron Age, the number of years it takes is the same. Ittakes 6,480 years to go through the Golden Age just as it takes 6,480 years togo through the Iron Age, but it feels much different. In the Golden Age eachsecond, each day, each month and year appear to be longer than the previous day,month and year. Time is expanding in the Golden Age and with that expansion theanxiety and tension of the Iron Age disappears. It is a paradise, especially tothose who may have survived the passing through the wormhole, or the null pointat the center of the hyperdimensional sphere.Therefore, the years listed within the Yuga system are actually symbolic timesthat explain the lengths of time as it is felt not as it is lived. So the GoldenAge or the Satya Yuga feels like it is much longer than the Kali Yuga, or theIron Age. The shamans in Peru tell us that we are approaching the Pacha Cuti, which means,literally `the world turned upside down'. They say that it will arrive in theyear 2012 (see illustration H). This is also the year when the great Mayancalendar reaches its end point. The cross of Hendaye is quite explicit in sayingthat we are reaching the very end of the Iron Age. I would suggest that the nullpoint, or the wormhole at the very center of the hypersphere, is very likely the2012 date. Our hypersphere appears to be regulated by the periodic alignment ofthe galactic center with the sun. This also matches the four fixed signs of thezodiac and explains why the Christian tradition is preparing for the endtimes.The unknown builder of the mysterious Cross at Hendaye gives the entirehyperdimensional map to us on a platter. Fulcanelli coyly ignores it knowingthat its meaning will only become clear when one has truly understood alchemy.At the very top of the Cross, on the west side, just above the broken LatinInscription, sits a single `X'. (See Illustration I.)Illustration I: The "X" at the Top of the CrossThis `X' is the inner map of the guts of the hyperdimensional sphere and revealsthe hourglass shape in a clear and concise manner. The `X' is truly the mostmysterious symbol on the Cross at Hendaye and its meaning is finally revealedhere in this article.Oddly enough, it also appears that Stanley Kubrick is trying to tell us aboutthe end of our Age in his masterpiece film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Starchildat the end of the film has passed through the Star Gate of the black monolithand is returning to Earth to create a new world or a new Age (see AlchhemicalKubrick: 2001: The Great Work on Film at is through our understanding of the Four Ages, the fixed signs of the zodiacand the Yuga system that we can finally appreciate the message that ourancestors have handed down to us. We are about to pass through the Star Gate,the wormhole, and the null point of hyperdimensional space.The Cross of Hendaye reveals the most important knowledge of all, which is theend of time and the beginning of the Golden Age. Awareness of this knowledgehelps us all to more fully comprehend the nature of the times in which we resideand the destiny of the human race.Endnote:Incidentally the human life span has a strange association with the hypersphereand the topology of time. It takes 72 years for the precession of the equinoxesto advance one degree (360 X 72 = 25,920). Interestingly, at least during theIron Age, the average human life span is about 72 years, which is 26,280 days,very close to the precessional figure of 25,920. Incidentally, the ancientsthought that the year had 360 days, which would have made 72 years come out toexactly 25,920 days.But the human life span can also divided into four Ages. If we divide 72 yearsinto four periods of 18 years each we can discover our own personal four ages ofexistence.There are 6510 days in each of these 18-year periods. The Golden Age of a humanis from their birth to when they reach 18 years of age. The Silver Age is thenext period from 18 to 36 years old. The Bronze Age of a life is from 36 yearsold to 54 years of age and the Iron Age is from 54 years old to 72.Like the four great ages of alchemical timekeeping these four ages also feeldifferent. It seems to take forever to get to be eighteen years old. But when weare 54 years old, or older, the days and years feel as if they are flying by.Also the body appears to gain density as we age. Our bones creak and arthritisbegins to attack us as we age. It becomes more difficult to lose weight and webecome set in our ways.Even our lives appear to be ruled by the topology of hyperdimensional space.See Part II: The Alchemy of Time - Understandingv the Great Year and the Cyclesof Existence

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